Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Nuair a chì thu caileag bhòidheach |
Whenever you see a pretty young girl |
Bidh thu 'n tòir orr' airson oidhch' |
You'll be in pursuit of her for one night |
'S iomadh cron tha 'n cois an t-seòrsa |
There's much pain connected with her like |
Gun thu bhi eòlach air an cainnt |
Without being familiar with her talk |
Ach innse mi mar ghaol na h-òige |
But I shall tell you of the love of the young |
Mura bheil mo chòmhradh meallt |
Unless I'm mistaken |
Théid e seachad mar na sgòthan |
It passes like the clouds |
'S mar na neòil tha os ar cionn |
And the stars above |
'S mar na neòil tha os ar cionn |
And the stars above |
'S mar na neòil tha os ar cionn |
And the stars above |
Théid e seachad mar na sgòthan |
It passes like the clouds |
'S mar na neòil tha os ar cionn |
And the stars above |
Làtha dhòmh's mi falbh air turas |
One day as I was on my way |
Thachair buidheann rium 'sa ghleann |
I came upon a company in the glen |
Càraid òg a' dèanamh cuideachd |
A young couple on their own |
Coltas rùn mo chridh' bhi ann |
She resembled the love of my heart |
Theann mi ceum a-steach na b'aisg orr' |
I approached them to get closer |
Feuch a faicinn ceart cò bh'ann |
So that I could see better who it was |
Chrom i sios is ghabh i nàire |
She bowed her head and felt ashamed |
'S dheàrrs an t-sùil a bha na ceann |
And her eyes were gleaming |
'S dheàrrs an t-sùil a bha na ceann |
And her eyes were gleaming |
'S dheàrrs an t-sùil a bha na ceann |
And her eyes were gleaming |
Chrom i sios is ghabh i nàire |
She bowed her head and felt ashamed |
'S dheàrrs an t-sùil a bha na ceann |
And her eyes were gleaming |
Bhuail an saighead mi 's a mhionaid |
The arrow struck me at that moment |
'S thuirt mi rithe na gabh nàir' |
And I told her not to be ashamed |
Faodaidh tu bhi cuidhteas mise |
You can be rid of me |
'S mi bhi cuidhteas tu gu bràth |
And I can be rid of you forever |
Ach théid sinn aon uair eile còmhla |
But we shall get together once more |
'S ni sinn còrd gun fhios do chàch |
And make a pact without anyone knowing |
'S ma se thusa rinn am briseadh |
And were it to be you who broke it all off |
Gabhaidh mis' an rathad àrd |
I shall take the high road |
Gabhaidh mis' an rathad àrd |
I shall take the high road |
Gabhaidh mis' an rathad àrd |
I shall take the high road |
'S ma se thusa rinn am briseadh |
And were it to be you who broke it all off |
Gabhaidh mis' an rathad àrd |
I shall take the high road |
Gabhaidh mis' an rathad àrd |
I shall take the high road |
Gabhaidh mis' an rathad àrd |
I shall take the high road |
'S ma se thusa rinn am briseadh |
And were it to be you who broke it all off |
Gabhaidh mis' an rathad àrd |
I shall take the high road |