Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Capercaillie > Glenfinnan > Oran Air Bhreith A Phrionnsa Tearlaich

Glenfinnan Oran Air Bhreith A Phrionnsa Tearlaich
Credits: John MacLachlan
Appears On: Glenfinnan
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
'N naigheachd a fhuair sinn an drasd' The tidings we have now received
A thainig oirnn nuadh do'n tir Which are freshly come to the land
Chuir m'airtneal air chairtealan uam Have chased all my sorrow away
Dh'fhag aigeantach, uallach mi And left me both joyful and proud
Cha bhi sinn tuilleadh na's mo No more are we going to be
Aig Deorsa fada fo chis Under subjection to George
Thig sonas ri linn a' Phrionns'oig Joy will come in the young Prince's time
'S gheibh fir tha air fogradh sith Peace will be to the exiles restored
Rugadh Phoenix thall anns an Roimh A Phoenix is born o'er in Rome
Sgeul aigeantach mor ri 'linn A tale of great joy in its time
Gum bi neart agus ceart mar ri treoir May he who the King's right maintains
Do'n fhear sheasas coir an Righ Have strength and justice and aid
Theid a' chuibhle fhathast mu'n cuairt Fortune's wheel will yet turn again
'S am fear a tha shuas, bidh e sios And the man who's aloft will fall low
Bidh am fear a tha streapadh, gu h-ard The man who is climbing will rise
'S fear eile gu lar tuitidh sios And the other to earth will fall down
Tha Neptun a' mionnachadh dha Neptune does promise for him
Gum bheil muir dha co reidh us tir A sea as smooth as the land
Tha Aeolus a'feitheamh a ghnath And Aeolus is ready always
'S a'gleidheadh dha baidh a ghaoith For him keeping his favoring winds
Tha Mars us a chlaidheamh 'na laimh Mars with his sword in his hand
Le buaidh-chath' 's gach aite am bi Will give victory wherever he be
Tha plannta nan duilleagan tlath The herbs with their delicate leaves
Toirt urraim 'nan aiteachan fin Give honor in their own abodes
Thig muthadh air fonn as droch-ghne A change will come o'er barren lands
Cha bhi dris ann an lar nach crion No thorn on the ground but will fade
Bidh gach tulach 'na iomairibh reidh Every hill will be laid in smooth rigs
'S fasaidh 'n cuithneachd air aodainn shliabh And wheat will grow on the hillsides
Cha dean sinn tuilleadh cion-fath Contention no more shall we own
O'n a theirig an fhreumh nach cinn Since the root that won't grow is consumed
Sin an gartlann a ghlanadh o'n charr There's the corn-field now cleansed of its weeds
Bha bacadh dhuinn fas ar siol Which did hinder the growth of our crop
Sgeul eile cha cheil mi an drasd' Another tale that I'll not hide
Cuiridh coille trom-bhlath os ar cinn The woods will put leaves o'er our heads
Cuiridh 'n talamh gun airceas de bharr The earth will yield crops without stint
Tacar mara cur lain's gach lion The sea's fruit will fill every net
Bidh bainn' aig an eallaich's gach ait' Herds will give milk everywhere
Mil air bharraibh nan srabh's gach tir And honey on straw-tops be found
Gun ghainne, gun airceas, gu brath Without want, unstinted, forever
Gun ghaillionn ach blaths 's gach sian Without storms, but every wind warm