Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
When you return, they'll see my words are true |
Chaidh mi 'n-dé dhan choille challtainn |
I went to the hazelwood yesterday |
Shireadh chnòthan airson bladh |
Seeking hazelnuts for food |
Ach 's e bh'air a h-uile geug ach |
But on every branch and twig |
D'aodann-sa gam thriall |
Was your pursuing face |
Chaidh mi 'n-dé gu tràigh a' mhaoraich |
I went to the fertile shore yesterday |
Lòn de choilleagan a bhuain |
To gather cockles for a meal |
Nochd a h-uile slige neamhnaid |
Every single shell was filled with |
D'àilleachd-sa a luaidh |
Your beauty, my love |
Chaidh mi staigh dhan aon taigh-òsda |
I went into the alehouse |
Son do sgiùrsadh as mo cheann |
To expel you from my head |
H-uile glainne thog mi thaom do |
Every glass I raised, your beauty |
Mhaiseachd aist' na deann |
Overflowed from it |
Chiaon mi tràth a-raoir dhan leabaidh |
I went early to bed last night |
Thusa ruagadh as le suain |
To escape you in sleep |
Ach cha tug thu cead dhomh cadal |
But you kept me awake 'til |
Gus an dèanainn duan |
I'd make you a song |
When you return, they'll see my words are true... |
Dh'iarrainn-sa bhith saor od thòireadh |
I'd wish we were torn asunder |
Ach gu bheil sinn roinnt o chéil' |
Were we not apart |
Do chumadh bhith an àit' do shamhla |
Let your presence replace my image of you |
Agam bhios an fhèill |
And how I'd rejoice |
Dh'fhàg thu mi 'nam bhaothair gòrach |
You've brought me to foolish babbling |
Bòdhradh chàirdean le do chliù |
Tiring your friends with praise of you |
Nuair a thig thu chì iad nach eil |
When you return they'll see that |
Mearachd ann am fhiù |
My words are true |
When you return, they'll see my words are true... |
Chì iad sgurr a' danns le saobh-shruth |
They'll see mountains dance with ripples |
Famh is iolair' anns an ruidhl' |
Mole and eagle step the reel |
Stamh gu caomh ag altram sùbh-làir |
Red rasp held by kind sea-tangle |
Mireadh mu an sùil |
Sport before their eyes |
Chì iad mis' is thusa sùgradh |
They'll see you and me make merry |
Bil ri bil ar n-anail aoint' |
Lip to lip our breath as one |
Cniadachadh mar seo gu sìor le |
Caressing thus forever |
Chéile b' e ar maoin |
Together our reward |
When you return, they'll see my words are true... |