Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Clannad > Fuaim > Mheall Sí Lena Glórthaí Mé

Fuaim Mheall Sí Lena Glórthaí Mé
Credits: n/a
Appears On: Fuaim
Language: Gaeilge (Irish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Seo mo mhallacht ar na mná This is my curse on the women
'Siad a mhearaigh mé 'gus rinne mo chrá It is they who have tormented me
Thit mé i dtús mo shaoil i ngrá I fell in love early in my life
Le spéirbhe, an álainn óg With a beautiful young woman
Is mheall sí lena glorthaí mé And she enticed me with her voice
'S í bhí sochmaí laghach gan bhróid She was gentle, friendly, without pride
'S í ba mheallachaí 's ba mhilse póg She was most beguiling with the sweetest kiss
Bhí sé cróiúil greannmhar cóir She was lively, funny and proper
'S ní bréag a bhfuil mé 'rá And it is no lie when I say
Gur mheall sí lena glorthaí mé That she enticed me with her voice
Shíl mé nach raibh duine bocht ar mo dhream There is nobody in my family
Nach raibh sa tsaol seo ach spórt is greann That did not get fun and sport out of life
Ach faraoir tá mé fágtha anois go fann Alas, I am left here alone
Modhobhrán bhoct liom féin At daybreak all by myself
Ó mheall sí lena glorthaí mé Oh she enticed me with her voice
Is iomaí oiche fhada fhuar And many a cold long night
A chaith mé 'suirí leithe chois na gcruach I spent courting her down by the pier
Is a 'teacht 'na 'bhaile arís gan ghruaim And coming home again without sorrow
Le bodhránacht a' lae At the dawning of the day
Nuair a mheall sí lena glorthaí mé When she enticed me with her voice
Thóg sí a seotlaí i bhfad ar shiúl She sailed far, far away
Is d'fhág sí mise a' sileadh na sul And left me in tears
Nar chuma liom dá mbínn a' dúil I wouldn't have cared had I not been waiting
Lena feicéail arís níos mó To see her ever again
Och, mheall sí lena glorthaí mé Oh she enticed me with her voice
Nach doiligh domhsa theacht fríd a' tsaol Isn't it difficult for me to go through life
O d'eálaigh an ainnir úd a chráigh mo chroí Since that girl slipped away who broke my heart
Is d'fhág sí mise lag gan bhrí And she left me grieving
'O mo chaitheamh 's 'o mo chloí Oh my sorrow and my undoing
Ó mheall sí lena glorthaí mé Oh she enticed me with her voice
Ach dá bhfáighinn-s'a an saol seo ar mo mhian If I could have one wish in this world
Scéal cinnte go mbeimis óg a choích' It would surely be for us to be young forever
Nó chuirfin-se lámh na cloige arís And I would put the hands of the clock back
Go dtí an t-am arbh fhiú bheith beo To the time when life was worth living
Nuair a mheall sí lena glorthaí mé When she enticed me with her voice
Mheall sí lena glorthaí mé She enticed me with her voice
Is mheall sí lena glorthaí mé And she enticed me with her voice
Ó mheall sí lena glorthaí mé Oh she enticed me with her voice