Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Cliar > Grinn Grinn > Hò Ro Mo Chuachag

Grinn Grinn Hò Ro Mo Chuachag
Credits: Arranged by Arthur Cormack, Ingrid Henderson, Hector Henderson, Mary Ann Kennedy, Maggie MacDonald & Ross Martin
Appears On: Grinn Grinn
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Gura mi tha trom duilich I am heavy and sad
Air m' uilinn san luachair On my elbow in the rushes
Sèist: Chorus:
Na hì liù lèill o Na hì liù lèill o
Hò ro mo chuachag Hò ro mo chuachag
Na hì liù lèill o Na hì liù lèill o
Mi ri buachailleachd sprèidhe Herding cattle
Nach toir leam às a' bhuaraich That will not jump from the fetter
(Sèist) (Chorus)
Mi ri buachailleachd sheasgach Herding farrow cattle
Nach tig feasgar gu buaile That will not come home at evening
(Sèist) (Chorus)
Na hì liù lèill o Na hì liù lèill o
Chan e cùram an àitich It is not anxiety for the homestead
A dh'fhàg mise fo ghruaimean That left me disconsolate
(Sèist) (Chorus)
Ach eagal mo chuspair But fear for my lover
Ma chumas iad uam e If they keep him from me
(Sèist) (Chorus)
Cha b' fhada bhiodh mo leannan My sweetheart would not be long
Tighinn à beannaibh a' chuailein Coming from the misty bens
(Sèist) (Chorus)
Tha mo chreist-s' air a' ghille My choice is the lad
Aig 'eil fios air na h-uairean Who knows the hours
(Sèist) (Chorus)
Aig 'eil fios air a' mhionaid And knows the very minute
Air an ruigeadh e 'ghruagach He will meet his maiden
(Sèist) (Chorus)
Chan e uisg' an lòin shalaich It is not water from the diry pool
Thug mo leannan an cuan leis That my lover took with him to sea
Na hì liù lèill o Na hì liù lèill o
Uisge beatha na Spàinne Spanish whisky
Fìon làidir gun truailleadh Strong, unadulterated wine
(Sèist...) (Chorus...)