Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Sèist: |
Chorus (after each verse): |
Nighean donn a' chuailein rìomhaich |
Brown-haired girl of the beautiful tresses |
B' àlainn, uasal, buaidh do shinnsir |
Lovely, noble, triumph of your ancestry |
Nighean donn a' chuailein rìomhaich |
Brown-haired girl of the beautiful tresses |
Ghràdhaich mi do leannanachd |
I enjoy your courtship |
'S ann a' fuireach thall 's na cluaintean |
Living yonder in the pastures |
Tha nigh'n bhàn a rinn mo bhuaireadh |
Is the fair girl who has tempted me |
Mach o ùr fhuil ghlan gun truailleadh |
Descended from flesh, fine, undefiled blood |
Sìol nam buadh 's na lannaireachd |
From talented, radiant stock |
An àm don bharrach a bhith brùchdadh |
When the top branches are bursting forth |
Bhiodh na smeòraichean a' dùsgadh |
The thrushes would be wakening |
Air bhàrr gheugan a' seinn ciùil |
On the ends of the branches, singing their songs |
'S a' togail cliù mo leannain-sa |
About my love's renown |
Thug mi cion 's chan fhaod mi àicheadh |
I gave my love and I cannot deny it |
Do nigh'n duinn a' chuailein àlainn |
To the brown-haired girl of the lovely curls |
'S mòr gum b' fheàrr bhith suidhe làmh rith' |
I would rather sit beside her |
Na fìon Spàinnd' is caineal ann |
Than have Spanish wine with cinnamon |