Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Cliar > Gun Tàmh > O Thoir A Nall Am Botul

Gun Tàmh O Thoir A Nall Am Botul
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Cliar
Appears On: Gun Tàmh
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Sèist: Chorus (after each verse):
O thoir a-nall am Botul Oh pass over the Bottle
He cùm thall am bodach Hey, keep the "old boy" over there
Nuair a thogadh e oirnn sogan When he makes us tipsy
'S e 'm Botul bu docha leinn It's the Bottle we prefer
B' e siud Earrach dubh a' chala That was the black Spring of darkness
Dh' fhàg e iomach aon gun smalan It lifted the gloom from everyone
Thug e uamsa mo chrodh bainne It took from me my milking cows
Sin e gearrain bha mi 'caoidh I lamented the cattle
'S gur beag m' ùidh dhol chun na h-àiridh I had little interest in going to the shieling
Shealltainn air mo chuid chruidh àluinn To see to my beautiful cattle
'S gun agam dhiu ach na cnàmhan Only their bones were left
'S iad gun shliochd, gun àl, gun laoigh They were without offspring, young, or calves
'S fear as lugha gheibh de 'n t-saoghal The man who has least worldly possessions
Bidh e 'strì ri tuilleadh fhaotainn Will fight to get more
Gheibh sinn uile biadh is aodach We will all get food and clothes
'S cha toir daoran maoin don chill And a miser cannot take his riches to the grave
'S lìon am Botul, lìon a dhà dhiu Fill the Bottle, fill two of them
Na biodh cùram ort mu 'm pàigheadh Don't worry about paying for them
Mur a faigh thu na do làmh e If you don't have it in your hand
Nì seic' na bà dar an t-suim The cow's hide will pay for one of them