Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Sèist: |
Chorus (after each verse): |
O thoir a-nall am Botul |
Oh pass over the Bottle |
He cùm thall am bodach |
Hey, keep the "old boy" over there |
Nuair a thogadh e oirnn sogan |
When he makes us tipsy |
'S e 'm Botul bu docha leinn |
It's the Bottle we prefer |
B' e siud Earrach dubh a' chala |
That was the black Spring of darkness |
Dh' fhàg e iomach aon gun smalan |
It lifted the gloom from everyone |
Thug e uamsa mo chrodh bainne |
It took from me my milking cows |
Sin e gearrain bha mi 'caoidh |
I lamented the cattle |
'S gur beag m' ùidh dhol chun na h-àiridh |
I had little interest in going to the shieling |
Shealltainn air mo chuid chruidh àluinn |
To see to my beautiful cattle |
'S gun agam dhiu ach na cnàmhan |
Only their bones were left |
'S iad gun shliochd, gun àl, gun laoigh |
They were without offspring, young, or calves |
'S fear as lugha gheibh de 'n t-saoghal |
The man who has least worldly possessions |
Bidh e 'strì ri tuilleadh fhaotainn |
Will fight to get more |
Gheibh sinn uile biadh is aodach |
We will all get food and clothes |
'S cha toir daoran maoin don chill |
And a miser cannot take his riches to the grave |
'S lìon am Botul, lìon a dhà dhiu |
Fill the Bottle, fill two of them |
Na biodh cùram ort mu 'm pàigheadh |
Don't worry about paying for them |
Mur a faigh thu na do làmh e |
If you don't have it in your hand |
Nì seic' na bà dar an t-suim |
The cow's hide will pay for one of them |