Celtic Lyrics Corner > Compilations > Ar Cànan 'S Ar Ceòl > An t-Slige Chreachain

Ar Cànan 'S Ar Ceòl An t-Slige Chreachain
Credits: Traditional; arranged by R. Lightfoot
Appears On: Ar Cànan 'S Ar Ceòl (compilation)
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Sèist: Chorus (after each verse):
Bheir anall an t-slige chreachain Bring over the scallop shell
Oir 's ann aisd' as blasd' tha 'n drain Since the dram tastes best from it
Gur math an t-ainm dhith an creachan Ruination is the best name for it
Gur e an t-slige chreach a th' ann For it is the shell of ruination
Chan eil bodach, chan eil cailleach There's not an old man or woman
Cha eil bacach, chan eil dall Cripple or blind person
A thig a dh' iarraidh biadh no fasgadh Who comes for food or shelter
Nach tig do 'n leabaidh ud thall Who won't go to that bed over there
'S cha bhi mi tuilleadh fo sgainneal I will no longer be discredited
B' fheàrr leam dollaidh a's a' cheann I would rather have my hangover
Na bhith cogadh ris a' chaillich Than be rowing with the wife
Tud, a bodach, fuirich thall Away with you, old man, stay over there
'S chan eil bodach anns an dùthaich There isn't an old man in the district
Nach bi 'n diugh a' cùl chainnt oirnn' Who won't miscall us today
Sguireadh na bodaich de 'n dùrdail Let the old men cease from their mutterings
Feumaidh sinne drùthag òl We must have our wee dram