Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Sèist: |
Chorus (after each verse): |
Bheir anall an t-slige chreachain |
Bring over the scallop shell |
Oir 's ann aisd' as blasd' tha 'n drain |
Since the dram tastes best from it |
Gur math an t-ainm dhith an creachan |
Ruination is the best name for it |
Gur e an t-slige chreach a th' ann |
For it is the shell of ruination |
Chan eil bodach, chan eil cailleach |
There's not an old man or woman |
Cha eil bacach, chan eil dall |
Cripple or blind person |
A thig a dh' iarraidh biadh no fasgadh |
Who comes for food or shelter |
Nach tig do 'n leabaidh ud thall |
Who won't go to that bed over there |
'S cha bhi mi tuilleadh fo sgainneal |
I will no longer be discredited |
B' fheàrr leam dollaidh a's a' cheann |
I would rather have my hangover |
Na bhith cogadh ris a' chaillich |
Than be rowing with the wife |
Tud, a bodach, fuirich thall |
Away with you, old man, stay over there |
'S chan eil bodach anns an dùthaich |
There isn't an old man in the district |
Nach bi 'n diugh a' cùl chainnt oirnn' |
Who won't miscall us today |
Sguireadh na bodaich de 'n dùrdail |
Let the old men cease from their mutterings |
Feumaidh sinne drùthag òl |
We must have our wee dram |