Celtic Lyrics Corner > Compilations > Gaelic Scotland 2 > E Ho Ro Mo Nighean Donn

Gaelic Scotland 2 E Ho Ro Mo Nighean Donn
Credits: Malcolm Gillies
Appears On: Gaelic Scotland 2 (compilation)
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Sèist: Chorus (after each verse):
E ho ro mo nigh'n donn, e ho ri mo nigh'n donn Hi ho ro my brown lass, hi ho ri my brown lass
E ho ro mo nigh'n donn a' chùil rèidh Hi ho ro my brown lass of the smooth locks
Rìbhinn òg a bha leam, dhèanadh còmhradh rium ciùin The young girl who was with me, who would speak to me softly
Tha mo chridh-sa 'n diugh trom as do dhèidh I am heavy-hearted since you left
'S e do chòmhradh, a rùin, guth bu cheòlmhoire leam Your voice, my darling, was more musical to me
Na guth smeòraich an dlùth choill nan craobh Than the thrush in the depths of the forest
Mar ri torghan nan all tigh'nn le aghaidh nam beann Like the gurgling of the stream coming down from the mountains
Anns a' mhoch mhadainn shamhraidh ri m' thaobh On an early summer's morning
Tha do nàdur, a luaidh, coibhneil, cairdeil gun ghruam Your nature, my love, is kind and friendly without sullenness
Gur e d'àilleachd thug buaidh air gach tè Your beauty affected many
Dh'èireadh m'aigne le sùnnd nuair choinnicheadh tu rium My spirits would be lifted when we met
'S chuirinn fàilt' air nigh'n donn a' chùil rèidh And I would welcome my brown lass of the smooth locks
Gur e coibneas do chainnt a chuir bruaillean am cheann It was the sincerity of your words that confused me
Chaneil fuasgladh ach gann dhomh fo'n ghrèin There's no easy escape for me under the sun
Chaneil leigheas do m'chràdh air an t-saoghal seo mhàin There's no solace for my pain in this world
Mo nigh'n donn nan sùl blàth ach thu fèin But you, my warm-eyed brown-haired lass