Celtic Lyrics Corner > Compilations > Ar Cànan 'S Ar Ceòl > Is Gaidheal Mi

Ar Cànan 'S Ar Ceòl Is Gaidheal Mi
Credits: Mairi MacInnes; lyrics by S.Evans
Appears On: Ar Cànan 'S Ar Ceòl (compilation)
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Bi tu a' strìth 's chan eil dòigh gun tuig thu chaoidh You can try but you'll never understand
An gaol a tha fo aisne mo chlèibh This feeling I have inside
Tha e 'gam gharadh ann am fionnachd oidhche It is with me in the darkest hours
Is mi leam fhèin an ciùin chadail And in the quietest moment
Sèist: Chorus:
Is Gàidheal mi, cho pròiseil is sèimh I am a Gael, so gentle and proud
Mo chridhe ri Dia is ri mo dhaoine I trust in God and my people
Riaslaichidh mi, a ghràidh, anns an duibhre fhuar I will follow you through the mists of time
Gus am bi mi ann an tearmann mo luchd dùthcha 'Til we meet again in the land of my ancestors
Shnàmhnainn ann an cuan do cheud mìle pòg It is in my heart and it is on my breath
Le tuil do ghràidh còmhdaich mis' The love that I have for you, can you feel it?
Stèidhich misneachd bhuan 's na caisg i Protects me when I am weak
'S bheir solus dhomh nach mùch And it gives me strength
'N uair thionndaidheas tìm gun fhanadh Whenever I'm feeling tired
(Sèist) (Chorus)
Ged dh' fhuiligeas mi gaoid People try to do me harm
Leòn, cha bhi mo spiorad brùit' But they know they never can
'N uair bhitheas tu fhèin a ghaoil, 'nam thac-sa Not when I have you with me
As d' aonais, a ghràidh, tha m' fheasgar a' ciaradh Stand by my side and never forsake me
'S tu mo reul iùil gu sìorraidh And guide me forever
(Sèist 2x) (Chorus 2x)