Celtic Lyrics Corner > Compilations > Ar Cànan 'S Ar Ceòl > O Teannaibh Dluth Is Togaibh Fonn

Ar Cànan 'S Ar Ceòl O Teannaibh Dluth Is Togaibh Fonn
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Catherine-Ann MacPhee & Malcolm Jones
Appears On: Ar Cànan 'S Ar Ceòl (compilation)
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
O teannaibh dlùth is togaibh fonn Draw close and let us sing a song
Mo chridhe trom air m' aineol I feel sad in a strange land
'S mi fad ò eilean an damh donn Far away from the island of the red stag
'S ò thìr nan gleann 's nan gallan From the land of gleans and saplings
O beir an t-soraidh seo nis bhuam Now take this greeting from me
Thar chuain is chruaich is bheannaibh Over the ocean, hills and mountains
A dh' ionnsaigh Muile nam beann fuar To Mull of the cool high bens
O eilean uaine a' bharraich And the green island of the birch trees
Och a Rìgh nach mi bha thall Oh dear God, I wish I were there
An tìr nan gleann 's nam bealach In the land of glens and gorges
Tìr nan craobh 's i tìr mo ghaoil The forested land is my own dear land
Nan lagan fraoich 's an rainneach Land of the heather hollows and bracken
O sud na glinn 's am faighte aoigh These are the glens of generosity
'S na roinn chum taobh na mara Especially in the areas beside the sea
'S tha luchd mo ghaoil an diugh mu sgaoil By my loved ones have all been cleared
'S an t-àite fo chaoraich Shasainn While their homes are under English sheep-runs
Gur truagh a' Ghàidhlig bhi 'na càs It's a pity Gaelic is in such a poor state
O 'n dh' fhalbh na Gàidheil a bh' againn Since the clearing of the Gaels that were once there
A ghineil òig tha tighinn 'nan àit' Oh young people who take their place
O togaibh suas a bratach Please unfurl the Gaelic banner
O teannaibh dlùth is togaibh fonn Draw close and let us sing a song
Mo chridhe trom air m' aineol I feel sad in a strange land
'S mi fad ò eilean an damh donn Far away from the island of the red stag
'S ò thìr nan gleann 's nan gallan From the land of gleans and saplings