Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Soraidh bhuam gu Eilean Bharraigh |
Greetings to the Isle of Barra |
Far an d' fhuair mi'm t-aran og |
Where I was nurtured as a child |
Far am bith nan sgothan sgadain |
Where the herring boats |
A tighinn dhachaigh le'n trom lod |
Come home with their heavy load |
B'aluinn sealladh orr' an tacadh |
What a beautiful sight with all their rigging |
Le siuil chairte cruaidh mu sroin |
And their sails pulled tight on the bow |
Tighinn a steach do Bagh a Chaisteal |
Coming in to Castlebay |
'S gillean sgairteal unnd air bord |
With the strong boys an board |
Tha seann mharnlaiche nan gaillion |
The old weather forecaster of the storm |
Heathabhal le claigionn lom |
Heathaval with its bare head |
A cuir fios a h-uile madainn |
Sending word of bad weather |
Dh'ionnsaidh maraichean nan tonn |
To the sailors of the deep |
'S ged a bhiodh iad air a chuan |
And although they would be far out to sea |
A tarraing lion nan dubhan crom |
Drawing nets with the fishing hooks |
'S cinnteach iad gun tig an cunnart |
They can be sure there will be danger |
Nuair th'ann cubhrachd air a ceann |
When her peaks are covered in mist |
Be mo mhiann bhi'n talla dannsa |
It is my wish to be in the dance hall |
Na'm do'n phiob bhith cuir gu ceol |
Where the pipes would be playing |
Gille gleusda gleusadh sionnsair |
The sharp lad tuning the chanter |
'S cha b'ann meall a bhiodh a mheoir |
And his fingers would not be slow |
Bhiodh gach maighdean bhanail bhannda |
Every lovely young maiden |
'Si air laimh aig gallan og |
On the arm of a gent |
Cumail tim le grinneas bhain-tighearn' |
Keeping time with the grace of a lady |
Null 'sa nall air urlar bhord |
Backwards and forwards over the dance floor |
Ged is beannach greanach fiadhaich |
Although it is hilly, rugged and wild |
Barraigh riobhach bheag nan ob |
Lovely little Barra of the inlets |
Leams' cha bhith i le cho breagha |
To me it could not be any more beautiful |
Ged bhiodh a creagan liath nan or |
If its gray rocks were made of gold |
Aite taimh nam fiuran fialaidh |
A place where the kind-hearted gallant men live |
'Is na nionag mhaiseach og |
And the pretty young maidens |
Cha do sheas fo bhrat na h-iarmailt |
Never have stood beneath the sky |
Daoine riamh cho ciatach coir |
Kinder and more hospitable people |
Barraigh Chiar nan iasgair sar mhath |
Gray Barra of the exceptional fishermen |
Sheoladh ard air bharr nan stuagh |
Who would sail on the high waves |
'S fhada cian o'n chaidh an fhagail |
Long since have their young |
Thoirt do'n al aice mar dhuais |
Been accustomed to leaving |
'S gus an sguir an lionadh mara |
Until the tides stop |
Leantainn rian na gealaich shuas |
Being controlled by the moon |
Bi a bhuaidh ud aig na Barraich |
The Barra people will have that victory |
Urram maraichean an tonn |
Respected sailors of the sea |
Urram maraichean an tonn |
Respected sailors of the sea |
Urram maraichean an tonn |
Respected sailors of the sea |
Bi a bhuaidh ud aig na Barraich |
The Barra people will have that victory |
Urram maraichean an tonn |
Respected sailors of the sea |