Celtic Lyrics Corner > Compilations > Ar Cànan 'S Ar Cẹl > Tha Caileag A'st-Earrach

Ar Cànan 'S Ar Cẹl Tha Caileag A'st-Earrach
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Mary Smith
Appears On: Ar Cànan 'S Ar Cẹl (compilation)
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Tha caileag as t-earrach There is this young lass
A dh' fhalbh às a' bhaile againn fh́n Who left the village early in spring
Chan fhaiceadh tu samhail You could never see the likes of her
Ged a shiubhladh tu roinnean an t-saoghail Although you travelled the whole world
Chan iarraidh i caisbheart She didn't need shoes
Ged a bhitheadh an sneachd air an raon Even when the snow covered the ground
Ach 's iomadh fear baile So that many a landlord
Nach iarraidh leath' fearann no ń Would forsake both land and cattle for her hand
Sèist: Chorus (after each verse):
Air fàillearainn, ́llearainn Air fàillearainn, ́llearainn
Ùillearainn ̣ oro laoigh Ùillearainn ̣ oro laoigh
Air fàillearainn, ́llearainn Air fàillearainn, ́llearainn
Ùillearainn ̣ oro laoigh Ùillearainn ̣ oro laoigh
Air fàillearainn, ́llearainn Air fàillearainn, ́llearainn
Ùillearainn ̣ oro laoigh Ùillearainn ̣ oro laoigh
Cur às do gun fhios Trying to suppress hidden feelings
A dh' fhàg mis' ann an cuing do ghaoil Has me under the yoke of your love
Na faighinns' an cothrom I could have a marriage
Air snaoim a tha beannaight' aig clèir Blessed by the clergy
Chan iarainn leat fearann no tuath I would not ask for land or farm
A tha cur thairis le sprèidh With lots of cattle as a dowry
Chan iarainn leat tochar I would not look for a dowry at all
Bu shuarach an sochar dhomh e As that would be mean of me
'S 'nam iasgair na mara For as a fisherman I would ensure
Chan fhaicinn ort gainne no feum You wouldn't go short of anything
Tha am baile cho falamh This village seems so empty
̉ thug do chasan thar chuain Since you went overseas
Mo lèirsinn air dalladh My eyesight has gone
'S nach fhaigh mi do shealladh thoirt bhuam But my vision of you remains
Tha an latha cho fada The days seem so long
Ís an oidhche cha chaidil mi uair And I can't get any sleep at night
Ri caoidh na h-̣g chailin Lamenting the young maid
A mhill mo shonas ís mo shnuadh Who has ruined my peace of mind and my appearance
As d' aonais, a leannain Without you, my love
Tha mise mar leanabh gun trẹir I'm like a helpless child
Le dubhar air m' anam My soul is in darkness
Is thrèid na speuran an gḷir And the spheres have forsaken their glory
An lionn th' air mo chridhe Depression lies on my heart
Cha thogar le mire no cẹl Which sport or music cannot lift
'S às d' aonais do chomainn And without your company
A ghaoil, cha teic dhomh bhith bẹ Love, there is no point in living
O pill rium, a leannain Oh return to me, my love
'S na fàg mo thuireadh gun cheann Do not let my sorrow go on forever
Air faidead do thuruis However long your journey
Bidh mise ri feitheamh 'sa' ghleann I'll wait for you in the glen
'S ma pḥsas fear eil' thu And if you should marry someone else
'S mo dḥchas uile air chall And all hope is lost
Thèid mise dhan ùir oir I will go to the grave
'S e d' iargain a chuireas mi ann And it's longing for you that will put me there