Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Fhir a shiùbhlas na frìthe |
You who travel the mountains |
Tha thu sìor thighinn fainear dhomh |
Are forever coming into my thoughts |
Tha mi 'g innse le fìrinn |
I am telling in truth |
An nì rinn mo sgaradh |
What has torn me |
Chan e ghearradh a luaidh |
It wasn't the cutting lead |
A rinn am bualadh fo'm neimheil |
That made the blow so bitter |
Ach an dh'fhuirich dhe'm chàirdean |
But the many of my friends |
Anns a'bhlàr a bha 's t-earrach |
Who fell in the battle in springtime |
Tha mo chiabhag air glasadh |
My hair has gone gray |
Tha mo leth-cheann air muthadh |
And my visage changed |
Tha mo shùilean a'sileadh |
My eyes are weeping |
Tha mo chridhe bochd, brùite |
And my heart is sick and wounded |
Le'n a dh'fhuirich dhe'm chàirdean |
For the number of my friends |
'S an làr 'n deach a rùsgadh |
Who remained to be stripped on the battlefield |
'S e mheudaich mo chràdh |
What has increased my pain is |
Gun fhios co chàraich an ùr orr' |
Not knowing who spread the earth over them |
Chan eil diùc ann an Albainn |
There is not a duke in Scotland |
No gu dearbh ann a Sasuinn |
Or indeed in England |
Nach iarradh an òigear deas òg |
Who wouldn't wish the young and handsome youth |
Bhi na mhac dha |
To be his son |
Ann an toiseach do thìmeghlac |
In the beginning of your career |
Thu inntinn bha beachdail |
You captivated discerning minds |
Bha thu foghainteach, rìoghail |
You were stalwart and kingly |
Bha thu dìleas bha'n aidmheil |
And you were steadfast in the faith |
Ach sguiridh mise gar'n iomradh |
But I will cease talking of you |
Neo idir gar'n àireamh |
Or indeed counting you |
Bho'n a chaill mi na gibhtean |
Since I lost the gifts |
Nach tig gu latha bràth |
Which will not return 'til Judgement Day |
'S ged a thigeadh Rígh Seamas |
And although King James would come |
'S a dh'eidir gach sraid e |
And be proclaimed on every street |
Ann an deireadh gach cùmailt |
At the end of each situation |
Bidh mo chùis-sa mar tha e |
My state would be as it is |