Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Mar dhearrsadh greine maduinn Maigh |
As the morning sun shines in May |
Do sheòmair càrnadh glòir |
Spreading its glory in the room |
Mar sin thig cuimhn' air sealladh àigh |
A happy sight comes to my mind |
Le ùrachd graidh gu'm mheoir |
With a lovely newness |
Ach thar gach fleadh do'm shùil a bha |
But above each feast to the eyes I have seen |
Thar fuinn is sàil is neòil |
Over land and seas and skies |
Bidh speis mo chrìdhe laidhe ghnàths |
My affections come naturally to rest |
Air àilleachd Loch na h-Ob |
On the beauty of Loch na h-Ob |
Air Loch na h-Ob tha maise naomh |
There's a sacred beauty on Loch na h-Ob |
Nach fhaic mi'n taobh so 'n fhòid |
Unmatched this side the grave |
Air Loch na h-Ob tha tobar gaoil |
On Loch na h-Ob there's a beloved well |
Na's cuibhre na smaoin na h-òigh |
More fragrant than a maiden's thoughts |
O'n sgàthan neamhaidh soilleir subhailc |
From the heavenly, bright, virtuous mirror |
O'n naoidhean suaineach stold' |
From the sleepy, settled infant |
Ri gràs na flathas ard tha sùaip |
To the divine grace which is reflected |
Aig tuar-neul Loch na h-Ob |
In the clouded colors of Loch na h-Ob |
Chan ioghnadh sruthan beinn a' fhraoich |
It's no surprise that heathery mountain streams |
Bhi ruith le caoin ghuth cheòl |
Should run with a voice of gentle music |
Cha'n ioghnadh bradan mear nan caol |
It's no surprise that the spirited salmon of the narrows |
Bhi leumnaich aotrom og |
Should be leaping light and youthful |
Cha'n ioghnadh leam an fhaoileag bhan |
I'm not surprised that the white seagull |
Le gaol a snàmh gu foill |
Swims lovingly and leisurely |
Oir 's sonas uile dhaibh gu bràth |
As all who come to rest |
Bhi tamh an Loch na h-Ob |
On Loch na h-Ob will have eternal happiness |
'Se cor na beatha dragh is streup |
The way of life is filled with strife and bother |
'S an cois an streup thig bròn |
And with the strife comes sadness |
Ach chan eil galair gun a leigh |
But there is no disease incurable |
Na'n robh e léir do ar n-eol |
Were it within our knowledge |
An uair bhios smalan agus gruaim |
When sorrow and melancholy |
A' dubhadh duairc mo neoil |
Darken and veil my face |
Gheibh m'anam sonas fois is cluain |
My soul will find happiness |
An uaigneas Loch na h-Ob |
Peace and quiet in the seclusion of Loch na h-Ob |
A Loch na h-Ob a choisinn m'eud |
Loch na h-Ob, which has won my admiration |
Mo bheannachd fhein ad choir |
I give you my blessings |
Do shamhchair bheannaichte 's do speis |
Your blessed tranquility and your affections |
Bidh'n dluths mo chleibh ri'm bheo |
Will be close to my heart forever |
Mo dhurachd agus m'achainn bhuan |
My wish and my eternal request |
Nach tathaich truaill do chors' |
Is that your shoreline never be defiled |
Ach bhi 'nad shealladh maise 's buaidh |
But that you will look beautiful and virtuous |
Gu'n teirig cuairt nan lo |
Until the end of time |