Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Ni mi innse le fìrinn |
I'll tell you truly |
An ni rinn mo chràdh |
What has tormented me |
Bheir snìth air mo shùilean |
It has left my eyes tearful |
'S a dhuineas mo chàil |
And sapped my energy |
An gaol thug mi m'mhaighdean |
The love I gave the maiden |
Bu chaoibhneile ghnàth |
Of the gentle ways |
D'am b' ainm Màiri Anna |
Mary Anne, who lies |
Tha 's an anart a chnàmh |
Decaying in her shroud |
'S ann air feasgar Di-ciadain |
On Wednesday afternoon |
Nuair bha ghrian anns na neòil |
With the sun in the sky |
'S i ri dealradh cho bréagha |
Shining beautifully |
Cho sgiamhach ri òr |
As lovely as gold |
Thachair mise 's mo Mhàiri |
My Mary and I met |
Ann an gàradh nan ròs |
In a rose garden |
Is bha faileadh nan ubhlan |
And the fragrance of apples |
Glé chùbhraidh tighinn oirnn |
Enveloped us |
Nuair a thig a h-athair 's màthair |
When her father and mother |
Gu robh Màiri an gaol |
Understood Mary was in love |
Rinn iad fhoighneachd gun dàil dhi |
They asked her at once |
Co h-ailleagan caomh |
About her beloved |
Fhreagair i gum b'e gunnair |
She answered that he was a gunner |
O mhullach an t-sléibh |
From the hilltop |
Fear a Gaidhealtachd na h-Alba |
From the Highlands of Scotland |
Far am marbhte na feidh |
Where they hunt the deer |
Nuair a chual' iad a facal |
When they heard her words |
Gun do ghlas iad i suas |
They locked her |
Ann an seòmar bha glaiste |
In a bolted room |
Fad seachduinn gun truas |
For a week without mercy |
Tha mo chrìdh's brist' nach fhaodainn |
My heart is broken since |
Bhi bruidhinn ri mo luaidh |
I could not speak to my love |
'S i gam choimhead troimh'n uinneig |
And she looking at me from the window |
'S na déoir a' ruith sios o gruaidh |
With tears running down her cheek |
Thainig lìtir gam dh' ionnsaidh |
A letter came to me |
Air a dùnadh gu dlùth |
Carefully sealed |
Mi dh'fhalbh sios gu suibhlach |
Informing me to go down quickly |
Gu cul-thaobh an dùin |
To the back of the castle |
Far'n robh carbad gu muirneach |
There, transport awaited |
Gus mo ghiùlain gun dàil |
To carry me across |
Gu paileis duin-uasail |
To the nobleman's palace |
Far'n robh gruagach mo ghràidh |
And my darling girl |
Nuair a ràinig mi'n aitreamh |
When I reached |
Far'n robh m'àilleagan buan |
My beloved's house |
Rinn a sùilean ciuin drabhadh |
She opened her calm eyes |
'S bha dreach a'bhàis air a gruaidh |
And death's pallor was on her cheek |
'S nuair a thug mi mo làimh oirr' |
And when I touched her |
Dh'fhàg a cainnt i gu luath |
Speech quickly left her |
'S dhuin a sùilean 's a chadal |
And her eyes shut |
Nach duisg 's a bhi buan |
In eternal slumber |
O Mhàiri, e Mhàiri |
Oh Mary, Mary |
'S tu dh'fhàg mi cho tinn |
You have left me so ill |
'S tu dh'fhàg mi fo mhulad |
You have left me despondent |
Is duilich ga inns' |
And it's hard for me to tell my tale |
'S ann ort tha mo smuaintean |
My thoughts are upon you |
A latha is a dh'oidhch' |
Each day and night |
Gus an teid mi dha'n anart |
Until I lie in my shroud |
Cha sguir mi gad chaoidh |
I will not cease to mourn for you |