Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
'S e mo bheachd ort, a' Bhais, gu bras thu ri pàirt |
'Tis my opinion of you, Death, that you are rash to some |
'S gur teachdaire, làidir, treun thu |
And that you are a strong and powerful messenger |
An cogadh no'm blàr cha toirear do shàr |
In war or battle you are impartial |
'S aon duine chan fhàir do threigsinn |
And no one knows who you are pursuing |
Gun tug thu an dràsd dhuinn buille no dhà |
Though you have dealt us a blow or two |
Chuir eaglaisean bàn is fòghlum |
Leaving vacancies in the church and the school |
Is fharasd dhomh ràdh gur goirid do dhàil |
And I can easily say that you waste no time |
'S gur tric a' tòirt bèarn 'nar Cléir thu |
And often leave a gap in our Presbytery |
Bhuin thu ruinn garbh mu'n dithis seo dh'fhalbh |
We were deeply grieved when you took those two men |
'Nuair ruith thu air larg a' cheil' iad |
And then ran in search of more |
C' uime nach d'fhàg thu bhuidheann a b'àirde |
Could you not have left those of highest rank |
A bhiodh do chàch ro fheumail |
Who would have served others well |
A bruidheann a b'fheàrr a tighinn o'm beàl |
Those who were the most eloquent |
'S an cridheachan làn de reuson |
And sound of reasoning |
Chaidh gibhteachan gràis a mheasgadh 'nan gnàths |
With the gifts of grace intermingled in their ways |
'S bha 'n cneasachd a' fàs d'a reir sin |
And their piety growing accordingly? |
Tha'm bàs os ar cinn 'gar glacadh le tinn |
Death looms over us, gripping us with ill-health |
'S le fradharc ar cinn cha léir e |
Its power invisible to our eyes |
Ach tha glaodh aig' cho cruaidh 's gum faodadh an sluagh |
But its cry is loud that |
A chluinntinn le cluasaibh reusoin |
The people must listen with rationality |
Nach dearc sibh a chùl is fear aig fo iùl |
Do not look behind you as it has someone in mind |
'S e sealltainn le 'shùil gu geur air |
Its keen eyes fixed upon its victim |
An diugh ciod am fàth nach biodhmaid air gheàrd |
Death took our neighbor from us yesterday |
'S gun bhuin e ar nabaidh an dé uainn |
And will prey on those caught off guard today |