Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Arthur Cormack > Ruith Na Gaoith > 'S Mòr Mo Chùram 'S Mi Ga Stìuireadh

Ruith Na Gaoith 'S Mòr Mo Chùram 'S Mi Ga Stìuireadh
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Arthur Cormack
Appears On: Ruith Na Gaoith
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
'S mòr mo churam 's mi ga stìuireadh Great is my distress as I steer her
'S i long mhòr nan tri chruinn ur i The big ship of three new masts
'S ged is taitneach leam a cùrsa And though her course is a pleasant one
B'annsa bhi sugradh ri'm cheud-ghaol I'd rather be sporting with my first love
'S mòr mo churam 's mi ga stìuireadh Great is my distress as I steer her
Tha mi nochd a'dol a shéoladh Tonight I set sail
'S beag mo shunnd ri gabhail òrain I'm in no mood for singing songs
'N fhairge domhain 's a'ghaoth còmhl' ris The deep sea, together with the wind
'Stroiceadh nan séol as a cheile Tearing the sails from each other
'S mòr mo churam 's mi ga stìuireadh Great is my distress as I steer her
Gur e mise tha gu brònach I am filled with sorrow
Moch 's a mhadainn deanamh òran In the early morning, composing a song
Fuaim nan tonn an deidh mo leònadh The sound of the waves has wounded me
'S olc an céol a bhith gan eisdeachd As I listen to the mischievous music they make
'S mòr mo churam 's mi ga stìuireadh Great is my distress as I steer her
Ma tha thu smaoineachadh a' Mhàiri If you think, Mary
Gur ann gad mhealladh a bha mi That I was trying to beguile you
'S mi nach earba tu ri m'bhràthair I would not confide in my brother about you
Ged 's e mac mo mhàthair fhéin e Although he is my own mother's son
'S mòr mo churam 's mi ga stìuireadh Great is my distress as I steer her
Sheil is sheid 's dh'at an fhairge The waves showered and blew and swelled
Bha i falbh cho luath ri earba The boat moved as fast as a roe deer
Bhrist a 'centre-bit' na sgealpan Her centre-bit broke into splinters
Stìuir no failm cha deanadh feum dhi Neither rudder nor helm was any use to her
'S mòr mo churam 's mi ga stìuireadh Great is my distress as I steer her
'S ma 's e fear thu theid a dh'Ile And if you will go to Islay
Ni mi lìtir bhàn a' sgriobhadh I will compose a letter on white paper
Dh'ionnsaigh maltag nan suil mìogach To the gentle girl of the smiling eyes
B'òg a thug mi fhéin mo spéis dhi I was young when I gave her my affection
'S mòr mo churam 's mi ga stìuireadh Great is my distress as I steer her
'S i long mhòr nan tri chruinn ur i The big ship of three new masts
'S ged is taitneach leam a cùrsa And though her course is a pleasant one
B'annsa bhi sugradh ri'm cheud-ghaol I'd rather be sporting with my first love
'S mòr mo churam 's mi ga stìuireadh Great is my distress as I steer her