Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Sèist: |
Chorus (after each verse): |
'S truach nach do dh'fhuirich mi tioram air tír |
It's a pity I didn't stay on dry land |
'N fhìrinn a th'agam nach maraiche mi |
It's the truth that I'm no sailor |
'S truach nach do dh'fhuirich mi tioram air tír |
It's a pity I didn't stay on dry land |
Ri m' mhaireann cha till mise shéoladh |
As long as I live I won't return to sailing |
Ruith na muic-mhara ri gaillionn 's a chuan |
Chasing the whales in a storm at sea |
Mo mhéoirean air reothadh a dh'aindheoin a bhith cruaidh |
My fingers frozen in spite of their toughness |
B' fhéarr a bhith 'n ceart-uair air acair air Chluaidh |
It'd be better now to be at anchor on the Clyde |
Na bhith díreadh nan crann an South Georgia |
Than climbing the masts in South Georgia |
Díle bho'n t-sneachd 's tu gun fhasgadh o'n fhuachd |
Heavy snow showers and you're without shelter from the cold |
T' aodann 'ga sgailceadh le fras bho gach stuadh |
Your face slapped with a shower from every wave |
'S t-airgiod am pàilteas 's gun doigh a chur bhuat |
Plenty of money with nowhere to spend it |
'S e síor-losgadh toll ann a d' phòca |
And it forever burning a hole in your pocket |
Nuair gheibh sinn forladh 's nuair ruigeas sinn traigh |
When we get leave and we reach the shore |
Falbhaidh an oinseach-sa còmhla ri cach |
This idiot will go along with the rest |
Chosg mi de dh'airgiod aig cunntair a' bhàr |
I've spent enough money at the bar |
A cheannaicheadh tri taighean-òsda |
To buy three hotels |