Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Arthur Cormack > Ruith Na Gaoith > 'S Truagh Nach Do Dh'fhuirich Mi Tioram Air Tìr

Ruith Na Gaoith 'S Truagh Nach Do Dh'fhuirich Mi Tioram Air Tìr
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Arthur Cormack
Appears On: Ruith Na Gaoith
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Sèist: Chorus (after each verse):
'S truach nach do dh'fhuirich mi tioram air tír It's a pity I didn't stay on dry land
'N fhìrinn a th'agam nach maraiche mi It's the truth that I'm no sailor
'S truach nach do dh'fhuirich mi tioram air tír It's a pity I didn't stay on dry land
Ri m' mhaireann cha till mise shéoladh As long as I live I won't return to sailing
Ruith na muic-mhara ri gaillionn 's a chuan Chasing the whales in a storm at sea
Mo mhéoirean air reothadh a dh'aindheoin a bhith cruaidh My fingers frozen in spite of their toughness
B' fhéarr a bhith 'n ceart-uair air acair air Chluaidh It'd be better now to be at anchor on the Clyde
Na bhith díreadh nan crann an South Georgia Than climbing the masts in South Georgia
Díle bho'n t-sneachd 's tu gun fhasgadh o'n fhuachd Heavy snow showers and you're without shelter from the cold
T' aodann 'ga sgailceadh le fras bho gach stuadh Your face slapped with a shower from every wave
'S t-airgiod am pàilteas 's gun doigh a chur bhuat Plenty of money with nowhere to spend it
'S e síor-losgadh toll ann a d' phòca And it forever burning a hole in your pocket
Nuair gheibh sinn forladh 's nuair ruigeas sinn traigh When we get leave and we reach the shore
Falbhaidh an oinseach-sa còmhla ri cach This idiot will go along with the rest
Chosg mi de dh'airgiod aig cunntair a' bhàr I've spent enough money at the bar
A cheannaicheadh tri taighean-òsda To buy three hotels