Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Thoir mo shoraidh thar an t-sàile |
Convey my farewell across the sea |
Null gu tir nam beanntan àrda |
Over to the land of the high mountains |
Far an d'fhuair mi greis dhe m' àrach |
Where I spent part of my childhood |
Air an àirigh anns an glinn |
On the pasture in the glen |
Far am biodh an ceòl 's am mànran |
Where the hearty, friendly youths |
Aig an òigridh chridheil, chàirdeil |
Would be full of music and song |
Far am biodh na h-òrain Ghàidhlig |
There would be Gaidhlig songs |
'N uair a biodh na h-àrmuinn cruinn |
And when the clan chiefs would gather |
Far am biodh na h-òighean guanach |
Where the bright maidens |
'S fhad a chluinnte fuaim an duanaig |
Would always be listening to the song's melodies |
Dol le 'n cuman is le 'm buaraich |
Going with the milking pail and the fetters |
Mach gu buailidh a' chruidh laoigh |
Out to the fields of milking cattle |
Far am bheil na stùcan ceòthach |
Where there are misty peaks |
Far am bheil am fraoch 's a' mhòinteach |
Where there is heather on the moor |
Far an cluinnte guth na smeòraich |
Where the thrush's voice can be heard |
Agus crònan aig na h-uillt |
And the murmur of the streams |
Ach tha chuibhle nis air tionndadh |
But the wheel of time has now turned |
'S gheibh sinn fhathast còir ar dùthcha |
And we still see the state of our country |
'S theid na h-uachdarain a sgiùrsadh |
And the surfaces will be rippled |
Mur a cum iad cothrom ruinn |
If chances are denied us |
Bidh ar glinn 's ar srathan còmhnard |
Our glens and our smooth plains |
Air an àiteach 's air an còmhdach |
Will be inhabited and sheltered |
'S bidh na Gàidheil mar bu chòir dhaibh |
And the Gaels will be as they want to be |
Gabhail còmhnuidh anns an tir |
Residing in their land |
Thoir mo shoraidh thar an t-sàile |
Convey my farewell across the sea |
Null gu tir nam beanntan àrda |
Over to the land of the high mountains |
Far an d'fhuair mi greis dhe m' àrach |
Where I spent part of my childhood |
Air an àirigh anns an glinn |
On the pasture in the glen |