Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Arthur Cormack > Nuair Bha Mi Òg > Thoir Mo Shoraidh Thar An t-Saile

Nuair Bha Mi Òg Thoir Mo Shoraidh Thar An t-Saile
Credits: Neil MacLeod; arranged by Arthur Cormark, Brian Miller & Robin Morton
Appears On: Nuair Bha Mi Òg
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Thoir mo shoraidh thar an t-sàile Convey my farewell across the sea
Null gu tir nam beanntan àrda Over to the land of the high mountains
Far an d'fhuair mi greis dhe m' àrach Where I spent part of my childhood
Air an àirigh anns an glinn On the pasture in the glen
Far am biodh an ceòl 's am mànran Where the hearty, friendly youths
Aig an òigridh chridheil, chàirdeil Would be full of music and song
Far am biodh na h-òrain Ghàidhlig There would be Gaidhlig songs
'N uair a biodh na h-àrmuinn cruinn And when the clan chiefs would gather
Far am biodh na h-òighean guanach Where the bright maidens
'S fhad a chluinnte fuaim an duanaig Would always be listening to the song's melodies
Dol le 'n cuman is le 'm buaraich Going with the milking pail and the fetters
Mach gu buailidh a' chruidh laoigh Out to the fields of milking cattle
Far am bheil na stùcan ceòthach Where there are misty peaks
Far am bheil am fraoch 's a' mhòinteach Where there is heather on the moor
Far an cluinnte guth na smeòraich Where the thrush's voice can be heard
Agus crònan aig na h-uillt And the murmur of the streams
Ach tha chuibhle nis air tionndadh But the wheel of time has now turned
'S gheibh sinn fhathast còir ar dùthcha And we still see the state of our country
'S theid na h-uachdarain a sgiùrsadh And the surfaces will be rippled
Mur a cum iad cothrom ruinn If chances are denied us
Bidh ar glinn 's ar srathan còmhnard Our glens and our smooth plains
Air an àiteach 's air an còmhdach Will be inhabited and sheltered
'S bidh na Gàidheil mar bu chòir dhaibh And the Gaels will be as they want to be
Gabhail còmhnuidh anns an tir Residing in their land
Thoir mo shoraidh thar an t-sàile Convey my farewell across the sea
Null gu tir nam beanntan àrda Over to the land of the high mountains
Far an d'fhuair mi greis dhe m' àrach Where I spent part of my childhood
Air an àirigh anns an glinn On the pasture in the glen