Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Tionndaidh am bàt' agus till leam a nall |
Turn the boat and return with me |
'S a dh'ionnsuidh mo phàisde gun téid mi le fonn |
And I'll go happily toward my girl |
Dean gluasad gun dàil gus am faigh mi a geall |
Move quickly that I may get her promise |
Tionndaidh am bàt' agus till leam a nall |
Turn the boat and return with me |
A dh'aindeoin 's na thiall mise deas agus tuath |
In spite of where I've travelled southward and northward |
Chaoidh chan iarr mi a baile mo luaidh |
I'd never wish to leave my love's village |
'S ann tha mo rùn-sa a' gabhail gach là |
That is where she passes each day |
'S tha làrach a ceum far na dh'eirich i'n àird |
And her footprints mark where she climbed the heights |
'Gad ionndrainn, 'gad ionndrain 's mi seòladh a' chuain |
Missing you, missing you as I sail the ocean |
Chan eil maduinn no oidhche nach 'eil thu 'nam smuain |
Neither morning nor night are you far from my mind |
'Gad choimhead 'nam dhusgadh 'gad choimhead 'nam shuain |
Seeing you in waking seeing you in sleep |
O fiamh do ghnùis 's e dhrùidh mi a luaidh |
Oh the color of your cheek has pierced me through, my love |
'S ma leanas tu mise 's gum faigh mi do làmh |
And if you'll follow me and I get your hand |
Ni sinn ar slighe chun an altair gun dàil |
We'll make our way to the altar without delay |
'S ann an sin bhios an ceangal bhios daingeann, a ghraidh |
There we'll tie the binding knot, my love |
'S bheir sinn boidean a' phòsaidh a sheasas gu bràth |
And we'll give our marriage vows which will stand forever |
Tionndaidh am bàt' agus till leam a nall |
Turn the boat and return with me |
'S a dh'ionnsuidh mo phàisde gun téid mi le fonn |
And I'll go happily toward my girl |
Dean gluasad gun dàil gus am faigh mi a geall |
Move quickly that I may get her promise |
Tionndaidh am bàt' agus till leam a nall |
Turn the boat and return with me |