Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Chunnaic Rìgh Alba na shuain |
The King of Scotland saw in a dream |
'N aona bhean bu ghile snuadh fòn ghrèin |
The fairest woman under the sun |
'S gum b'fheàrr leis tuiteam dha cion |
And he preferred his heart's desire |
Na còmhradh fir mar bha fhèin |
Than to converse with men like himself |
'S gum b'fheàrr leis tuiteam dha cion |
And he preferred his heart's desire |
Na còmhradh fir mar bha fhèin |
Than to converse with men like himself |
Labhair Fionn-Falaich ri fian |
Fingal said to the champion |
'Thèid mise 'ga h-iarraidh dhuit |
I will go and bring her to you |
Labhair Fionn-Falaich ri fian |
Fingal said to the champion |
'Thèid mise 'ga h-iarraidh dhuit |
I will go and bring her to you |
Mi fhìn 's mo ghille 's mo chù |
Myself, my boy and my dog |
Nar triùir a dh'iarraidh na mnà |
The three of us will go to get the woman |
Mi fhìn 's mo ghille 's mo chù |
Myself, my boy and my dog |
Nar triùir a dh'iarraidh na mnà |
The three of us will go to get the woman |
Seachd seachdainnean is trì mìos |
Seven weeks and three months |
A thùg sinn ri siubhal cuain |
Since we began sailing on the ocean |
Seachd seachdainnean is trì mìos |
Seven weeks and three months |
A thùg sinn ri siubhal cuain |
Since we began sailing on the ocean |
Ma facas fearann neo fonn |
Without seeing dry land |
Aig an dèanadh an long tàmh |
Where our boat could shelter |
Ma facas fearann neo fonn |
Without seeing dry land |
Aig an dèanadh an long tàmh |
Where our boat could shelter |
Steach gu iomall a' chuain ghairbh |
In from the edge of the rough sea |
Chunncas caisteal min-gheal gorm |
We saw a great castle of white and blue |
Steach gu iomall a' chuain ghairbh |
In from the edge of the rough sea |
Chunncas caisteal min-gheal gorm |
We saw a great castle of white and blue |
Bu lìonmhor uinneag is stuagh |
Many were the windows and gables |
Bu lìonmhor air cuach is corn |
Plentiful the cups and goblets |
Bu lìonmhor uinneag is stuagh |
Many were the windows and gables |
Bu lìonmhor air cuach is corn |
Plentiful the cups and goblets |
'N àm dhomh bhith teannadh ri bhun |
As I reached its foot |
Thàinig slabhraidh dhubh an nuas |
A hooked chain descended |
'N àm dhomh bhith teannadh ri bhun |
As I reached its foot |
Thàinig slabhraidh dhubh an nuas |
A hooked chain descended |
Cha d' ghabh mi eagal neo fiamh |
I did not fear or flinch |
Ghabh mi oirre nam ruith suas |
I reached for it, running upwards |
Cha d' ghabh mi eagal neo fiamh |
I did not fear or flinch |
Ghabh mi oirre nam ruith suas |
I reached for it, running upwards |
Chunncas a' bhean bhrèid gheal òg |
I saw the fair white-veiled young woman |
Ann an cathair òir a-staigh |
On a golden throne within |
Chunncas a' bhean bhrèid gheal òg |
I saw the fair white-veiled young woman |
Ann an cathair òir a-staigh |
On a golden throne within |
Stròl dhe'n t-sìoda fo dà bhonn |
A ribbon of silk beneath her feet |
'S bheannaich mise dha ghùis ghil |
And I blessed her fair countenance |
Stròl dhe'n t-sìoda fo dà bhonn |
A ribbon of silk beneath her feet |
'S bheannaich mise dha ghùis ghil |
And I blessed her fair countenance |
'Fhleasgaich a thàinig o'n chuan |
Young man who came from the sea |
'S fuar do bheannachadh oirnn |
Cold is your blessing upon us |
'Fhleasgaich a thàinig o'n chuan |
Young man who came from the sea |
'S fuar do bheannachadh oirnn |
Cold is your blessing upon us |
Teann nall do cheann air mo ghlùin |
Come rest your head on my knee |
'S seinnidh mi dhuit cruit is ceòl |
And I will play you harp music |
Teann nall do cheann air mo ghlùin |
Come rest your head on my knee |
'S seinnidh mi dhuit cruit is ceòl |
And I will play you harp music |
Cruit air uchd an aona-ghil ùir |
A harp on the fairest, fresh lap |
'S guirme sùil 's gile deud |
The bluest eye and the whitest jaw |
Cruit air uchd an aona-ghil ùir |
A harp on the fairest, fresh lap |
'S guirme sùil 's gile deud |
The bluest eye and the whitest jaw |
Thuit esan na shiorram suaint |
He fell into a quiet dreamland |
Dèidh bhith cuartachadh chuain ghairbh |
Having traversed the wild oceans |
Thuit esan na shiorram suaint |
He fell into a quiet dreamland |
Dèidh bhith cuartachadh chuain ghairbh |
Having traversed the wild oceans |
Ghoid i 'n claidheamh geur fo crios |
She stole the sharp sword from its belt |
Thilg i dheth gun fhiosad' an ceann |
And she stealthily cut off his head |
Ghoid i 'n claidheamh geur fo crios |
She stole the sharp sword from its belt |
Thilg i dheth gun fhiosad' an ceann |
And she stealthily cut off his head |
Sin agaibh deireadh mo sgiùil |
That's the end of my story |
'S mar a sheinneadh am Bròn Binn |
And how the Sweet Sorrow is sung |