Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Dòchas > Dòchas > Eilean Uibhist Mo Rùin

Dòchas Eilean Uibhist Mo Rùin
Credits: Angus Macdonald; lyrics by Angus MacLellan
Appears On: Dòchas
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Eilean Uibhist mo rùin My beloved island of Uist
Eilean cùbhraidh nam beann Scented island of the mountains
Eilean Uibhist mo rùn My beloved island of Uist
B'e mo dhùrachd bhith ann My desire is to be there
An Eilean Uibhist mo rùn In my beloved island of Uist
B'e mo shòlas bhith air m' eòlas I would be overjoyed to be on familiar ground
San eilean bhòidheach ud thall In the beautiful island yonder
Far am faic mi mo chàirdean Where I would see my relations
'S gheibhinn fàilte nach gann And receive a tremendous welcome
An Eilean Uibhist mo rùn In my beloved island of Uist
Far am faic mi fìr òga Where I would see young men
Ghearradh mòine nan deann Skillfully cutting peats
'S a ghearradh snasail an t-eòrna Neatly cutting the barley
'S a chuireadh dòrlach sa bhann And tying the sheaf
An Eilean Uibhist mo rùn In my beloved island of Uist
Far am faic mi fìr liatha Where I would see gray-haired men
Glic-bhriathrach nan cainnt Wise and eloquent in their talk
Mean-bheachdach sean-eòlach Precise in their opinions, worldly wise with age
A' toirt seòladh don chloinn Giving advice to the children
An Eilean Uibhist mo rùn In my beloved island of Uist
Far am faic mi mnathan uasal Where I would see noble women
Aoigheil, uallachal, trang Kindly, proud and hard-working
Tha ro-ainmeil nan stòltachd Renowned for their steadiness
'S an gnìomh dòigheil nan làimh And their excellent handiwork
An Eilean Uibhist mo rùn In my beloved island of Uist
Tha coibhneas is bàigh There is kindness and affection
'Gabhail àit' ann an com That comes from within
Gach neach a chaidh àrach Each person reared
Fo sgàile nam beann In the shade of the mountains
An Eilean Uibhist mo rùn In my beloved island of Uist
Bi aoigheachd is fàilte There will always be a joyous welcome
Gu bràth feadh nan gleann Throughout the glens
Fad 's a bhuaileas air tràigh As long as each salty droplet of the waves
Boinne sàile nan tonn Hits the shore
An Eilean Uibhist mo rùn In my beloved island of Uist
'S e slàn leis na dh'fhàg mi Bidding farewell to those I left
Bheir mo dhàn-sa gu ceann I will bring my poem to a close
'S le m' phiuthar, 's le m' bhràithrean To my sister, to my brothers
'S le m' phàrantan thall And my parents yonder
An Eilean Uibhist mo rùn In my beloved island of Uist
Eilean cùbhraidh nam beann Scented island of the mountains
Eilean Uibhist mo rùn My beloved island of Uist
B'e mo dhùrachd bhith ann My desire is to be there
An Eilean Uibhist mo rùn In my beloved island of Uist