Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Eilean Uibhist mo rùin |
My beloved island of Uist |
Eilean cùbhraidh nam beann |
Scented island of the mountains |
Eilean Uibhist mo rùn |
My beloved island of Uist |
B'e mo dhùrachd bhith ann |
My desire is to be there |
An Eilean Uibhist mo rùn |
In my beloved island of Uist |
B'e mo shòlas bhith air m' eòlas |
I would be overjoyed to be on familiar ground |
San eilean bhòidheach ud thall |
In the beautiful island yonder |
Far am faic mi mo chàirdean |
Where I would see my relations |
'S gheibhinn fàilte nach gann |
And receive a tremendous welcome |
An Eilean Uibhist mo rùn |
In my beloved island of Uist |
Far am faic mi fìr òga |
Where I would see young men |
Ghearradh mòine nan deann |
Skillfully cutting peats |
'S a ghearradh snasail an t-eòrna |
Neatly cutting the barley |
'S a chuireadh dòrlach sa bhann |
And tying the sheaf |
An Eilean Uibhist mo rùn |
In my beloved island of Uist |
Far am faic mi fìr liatha |
Where I would see gray-haired men |
Glic-bhriathrach nan cainnt |
Wise and eloquent in their talk |
Mean-bheachdach sean-eòlach |
Precise in their opinions, worldly wise with age |
A' toirt seòladh don chloinn |
Giving advice to the children |
An Eilean Uibhist mo rùn |
In my beloved island of Uist |
Far am faic mi mnathan uasal |
Where I would see noble women |
Aoigheil, uallachal, trang |
Kindly, proud and hard-working |
Tha ro-ainmeil nan stòltachd |
Renowned for their steadiness |
'S an gnìomh dòigheil nan làimh |
And their excellent handiwork |
An Eilean Uibhist mo rùn |
In my beloved island of Uist |
Tha coibhneas is bàigh |
There is kindness and affection |
'Gabhail àit' ann an com |
That comes from within |
Gach neach a chaidh àrach |
Each person reared |
Fo sgàile nam beann |
In the shade of the mountains |
An Eilean Uibhist mo rùn |
In my beloved island of Uist |
Bi aoigheachd is fàilte |
There will always be a joyous welcome |
Gu bràth feadh nan gleann |
Throughout the glens |
Fad 's a bhuaileas air tràigh |
As long as each salty droplet of the waves |
Boinne sàile nan tonn |
Hits the shore |
An Eilean Uibhist mo rùn |
In my beloved island of Uist |
'S e slàn leis na dh'fhàg mi |
Bidding farewell to those I left |
Bheir mo dhàn-sa gu ceann |
I will bring my poem to a close |
'S le m' phiuthar, 's le m' bhràithrean |
To my sister, to my brothers |
'S le m' phàrantan thall |
And my parents yonder |
An Eilean Uibhist mo rùn |
In my beloved island of Uist |
Eilean cùbhraidh nam beann |
Scented island of the mountains |
Eilean Uibhist mo rùn |
My beloved island of Uist |
B'e mo dhùrachd bhith ann |
My desire is to be there |
An Eilean Uibhist mo rùn |
In my beloved island of Uist |