Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Bhon chuir mo leannan cùlthaobh rium |
Since my love turned his back on me |
Cha tèid e leam a dhannsadh |
He'll not go dancing with me |
Bhon chuir mo leannan cùlthaobh rium |
Since my love turned his back on me |
Cha tèid e leam a dhannsadh |
He'll not go dancing with me |
Bhon chuir mo leannan cùlthaobh rium |
Since my love turned his back on me |
Cha tèid e leam a dhannsadh |
He'll not go dancing with me |
Bhon chuir mo leannan cùlthaobh rium |
Since my love turned his back on me |
Cha tèid e leam a dhannsadh |
He'll not go dancing with me |
Cha tèid e leam, cha fhalbh e leam |
He'll not go, he'll not go with me |
Cha tèid e leam a dhannsadh |
He'll not go dancing with me |
Cha tèid e leam, cha fhalbh e leam |
He'll not go, he'll not go with me |
Cha tèid e leam a dhannsadh |
He'll not go dancing with me |
Cha tèid e leam, cha fhalbh e leam |
He'll not go, he'll not go with me |
Cha tèid e leam a dhannsadh |
He'll not go dancing with me |
Bhon chuir mo leannan cùlthaobh rium |
Since my love turned his back on me |
Cha tèid e leam a dhannsadh |
He'll not go dancing with me |
Bhon chuir mo leannan cùlthaobh rium |
Since my love turned his back on me |
Cha tèid e leam a dhannsadh |
He'll not go dancing with me |
Bhon chuir mo leannan cùlthaobh rium |
Since my love turned his back on me |
Cha tèid e leam a dhannsadh |
He'll not go dancing with me |
Bhon chuir mo leannan cùlthaobh rium |
Since my love turned his back on me |
Cha tèid e leam a dhannsadh |
He'll not go dancing with me |
Bhon chuir mo leannan cùlthaobh rium |
Since my love turned his back on me |
Cha tèid e leam a dhannsadh |
He'll not go dancing with me |
Cha tèid e leam, cha fhalbh e leam |
He'll not go, he'll not go with me |
Cha tèid e leam a dhannsadh |
He'll not go dancing with me |
Cha tèid e leam, cha fhalbh e leam |
He'll not go, he'll not go with me |
Cha tèid e leam a dhannsadh |
He'll not go dancing with me |
Cha tèid e leam, cha fhalbh e leam |
He'll not go, he'll not go with me |
Cha tèid e leam a dhannsadh |
He'll not go dancing with me |
Bhon chuir mo leannan cùlthaobh rium |
Since my love turned his back on me |
Cha tèid e leam a dhannsadh |
He'll not go dancing with me |
Sheatadh cailleach, ruidhleadh cailleach |
The old woman would set, the old woman would reel |
Sheatadh cailleach ris a'bhalg |
The old woman would set to the bellows |
Sheatadh cailleach Uilleam Bhuidhe |
Fair-haired William's old wife would set |
Ris a'bhuidhinn a bh'air falbh |
To the group who had gone |
Sheatadh cailleach, ruidhleadh cailleach |
The old woman would set, the old woman would reel |
Sheatadh cailleach ris a'bhalg |
The old woman would set to the bellows |
Sheatadh cailleach Uilleam Bhuidhe |
Fair-haired William's old wife would set |
Ris a'bhuidhinn a bh'air falbh |
To the group who had gone |
Ruidhleadh cailleach nan cailleach |
The oldest woman of the old women would reel |
Ri cailleach Bhaile nan Cailleach |
With the old woman from the village of the nuns |
'S gu seatadh a'chailleach Hearach |
And the old Harris woman would set |
Ris a'chaillich a bh'air falbh |
To the old woman who had gone |
Ruidhleadh cailleach nan cailleach |
The oldest woman of the old women would reel |
Ri cailleach Bhaile nan Cailleach |
With the old woman from the village of the nuns |
'S gu seatadh a'chailleach Hearach |
And the old Harris woman would set |
Ris a'chaillich a bh'air falbh |
To the old woman who had gone |
Sheatadh cailleach, ruidhleadh cailleach |
The old woman would set, the old woman would reel |
Sheatadh cailleach ris a'bhalg |
The old woman would set to the bellows |
Sheatadh cailleach Uilleam Bhuidhe |
Fair-haired William's old wife would set |
Ris a'bhuidhinn a bh'air falbh |
To the group who had gone |
Sheatadh cailleach, ruidhleadh cailleach |
The old woman would set, the old woman would reel |
Sheatadh cailleach ris a'bhalg |
The old woman would set to the bellows |
Sheatadh cailleach Uilleam Bhuidhe |
Fair-haired William's old wife would set |
Ris a'bhuidhinn a bh'air falbh |
To the group who had gone |
Ruidhleadh cailleach Iain Bhuidhe |
Fair-haired John's old wife would dance |
Ris a'chaillich a bh'aig Uilleam |
With William's old wife |
'S nuair thug Anna dhith a currag |
And when Anne removed her cap |
B'fheadar do dh'Iain Curaidh falbh |
Brave John had to go |
Ruidhleadh cailleach Iain Bhuidhe |
Fair-haired John's old wife would dance |
Ris a'chaillich a bh'aig Uilleam |
With William's old wife |
'S nuair thug Anna dhith a currag |
And when Anne removed her cap |
B'fheadar do dh'Iain Curaidh falbh |
Brave John had to go |
Sheatadh cailleach, ruidhleadh cailleach |
The old woman would set, the old woman would reel |
Sheatadh cailleach ris a'bhalg |
The old woman would set to the bellows |
Sheatadh cailleach Uilleam Bhuidhe |
Fair-haired William's old wife would set |
Ris a'bhuidhinn a bh'air falbh |
To the group who had gone |
Sheatadh cailleach, ruidhleadh cailleach |
The old woman would set, the old woman would reel |
Sheatadh cailleach ris a'bhalg |
The old woman would set to the bellows |
Sheatadh cailleach Uilleam Bhuidhe |
Fair-haired William's old wife would set |
Ris a'bhuidhinn a bh'air falbh |
To the group who had gone |
Sèist: |
Chorus: |
A-null thar nan eileanan |
Over the islands |
Dh'Aimeireaga gun tèid sinn |
To America we will go |
A-null thar nan eileanan |
Over the islands |
Dh'Aimeireaga gun tèid sinn |
To America we will go |
A-null thar nan eileanan |
Over the islands |
Dh'Aimeireaga gun tèid sinn |
To America we will go |
A-null rathad Shasainn |
Over via England |
Agus dhachaigh rathad Èirinn |
And home via Ireland |
B'e siud am port a bh'againne |
That was our tune |
Dol seachad air Dun Èideann |
Passing Edinburgh |
B'e siud am port a bh'againne |
That was our tune |
Dol seachad air Dun Èideann |
Passing Edinburgh |
B'e siud am port a bh'againne |
That was our tune |
Dol seachad air Dun Èideann |
Passing Edinburgh |
A-null rathad Shasainn |
Over via England |
Agus dhachaigh rathad Èirinn |
And home via Ireland |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
Bha pìoban gan spreigeadh |
The pipers were blown up |
Agus feadanan gan gleusadh |
And the chanters were tuned |
Bha pìoban gan spreigeadh |
The pipers were blown up |
Agus feadanan gan gleusadh |
And the chanters were tuned |
Bha pìoban gan spreigeadh |
The pipers were blown up |
Agus feadanan gan gleusadh |
And the chanters were tuned |
A h-uile fear le ìt' na bhonaid |
Each man with a feather in his bonnet |
Sporain air is fèileadh |
A sporan and a kilt |
(Sèist 2x) |
(Chorus 2x) |
B'e siud na gillean togarrach |
They were lively lads |
B'e siud na gillean èibhinn |
They were amusing lads |
B'e siud na gillean togarrach |
They were lively lads |
B'e siud na gillean èibhinn |
They were amusing lads |
B'e siud na gillean togarrach |
They were lively lads |
B'e siud na gillean èibhinn |
They were amusing lads |
B'e siud na gillean sgiobalta |
They were nimble lads |
Is b'iullagach an ceuman |
With frolicsome steps |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
Mun dh'fhàg sinn crìochan Shasainn |
Before we left the English borders |
Agus dhealaich sinn ri chèile |
And parted from each other |
Mun dh'fhàg sinn crìochan Shasainn |
Before we left the English borders |
Agus dhealaich sinn ri chèile |
And parted from each other |
Mun dh'fhàg sinn crìochan Shasainn |
Before we left the English borders |
Agus dhealaich sinn ri chèile |
And parted from each other |
Gun b'aighearach na caileagan |
The girls were lively |
A' crathadh an cuid bhrèidean |
Shaking their braids |
(Sèist 2x) |
(Chorus 2x) |