Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Domhnaill Family > Idir An Dá Sholas > Foireann An Bháid

Idir An Dá Sholas Foireann An Bháid
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Maighread Ní Dhomhnaill, Tríona Ní Dhomhnaill & Dónal Lunny
Appears On: Idir An Dá Sholas
Language: Gaeilge (Irish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Foireann an bháid a b'fhearr The best crew of men
A d'fhág Inis Fraoich That ever left Inis Fraoigh
Is iad ag tarraingt san áit Were drawing near to the place
A raibh bádaí na scadán ina luí Where the herring fleet rests on the sea
Ar builg gur fágadh iad They were left on the swell
Is gan tarrtháil orthu faraor Without one to save them that night
Is mo bhuachaillín bán deas And my fair-headed boy who would play
A sheinnfeadh an fhidil is an phíob Both the fiddle and the pipes
Is measa liom Eoghan My grief is for Eoghan
Ná scór de fhearaibh an tsaoil Over a score of men who were there
Ná ba é a chuirfeadh ar bord For he'd load the boats
Is nach mór a lagaigh sé an tír And it's sorely we miss him this day
Tá Macán bocht buartha Poor Sonny's in sorrow
Nora bheag is a níon Wee Nora and her daughter as well
Is is dóigh liom ar ndóigh And there's no need to tell
Go bhfuil dólas mór fada ar a mhnaoi The long grief that his wife has to bear
Níor mhaith liom do shúil I mourn the bright eyes
A bheith brúite tuirseach den ghreann That grow dim now far out to sea
Ná do chorpán geal úr As your fair young body
A bheith a shúgradh ar bharra na dtonn Is tossed away out on the waves
Na tonnaí bhí tréan The strong waves came rolling
Is iad a lúbadh tharat anall Down over you, my dear
Bhí do lámh ar an stiúir Your hand held the tiller
Is tú ag dúil le bheith sna Flaithis gan mhoill As you hoped it was for heaven you steered
Dá bhfeicfeá Eoghan mór If you'd seen Big Eoghan
Is é ag cuartú cladaigh is poill And him searching each shore and deep hole
Ag iarraidh tuairisc' na mbuachaill Him looking and asking for the boys
A fuadaíodh amach ar an toinn That the stormy sea stole
Shiúil sé na cuantaí He's walking every inlet
Ach níor dhual dó a leithéid a fháil ann But nothing was found on the strand
Ach go bhfuarthas a dtuairisc And he only heard tell they were seen
Thuas ar an Iomaire Cham Near the Iomaire Cam
A Fheargail a dheartháir Oh Feargal, my brother
Má tá tusa i bhFlaitheas na Naomh If you are in heaven so grand
Iarr fortacht ar an Ard-Rí Ask God would He grant
Lena bhfáil insa chladach seo thíos That they might be cast on this strand
Mura bhfaighthí ach a gcnámha If 'twas only their bones washed up
Ar an leic atá lena thaobh On a rock near the shore
Bheadh d'athair bocht sásta Your poor father'd have peace
Agus áthrach mór fada ar a shaol And be able to face life once more