Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Aoife Ferry > Aoife > Caitlín Triall

Aoife Caitlín Triall
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Aoife Ní Fhearraigh, Máire Brennan & Denis Woods
Appears On: Aoife
Language: Gaeilge (Irish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Níl aonach ná margadh dá bhfuil in san áit There is no fair or market day here
Nach bhfaicimse Cití sí díol a cuid snáth On which I don't see Kitty sell her thread
Orú scairtim isteach uirthi 's bhuailidh mé'n clár I invite her to the tavern and ask for beer
Is a Chití na n-anam fan agam go lá And I tell her, "Kitty, my love, won't you stay with me 'til morning?"
Níl bó níl gamhain 's níl caora bhán There's no cow, no calf, no white sheep
Ó bhruach Loch Corbhaith go maol an tsléibh' bháin From the banks of Lake Corbhaith to the crag of the white mountain
Nach dtabharfainn do Chití ar an aog phóg amháin That I wouldn't give to Kitty in exchange for a single kiss
'S í leigheasfadh an arraing teacht fríd i mo lár Since she's the one who can cure all the pains in my chest
Ó gheall tusa domhsa is gheall tú faoi dhó Oh you promised me on two occasions as well
Nach ndéanfá mo mhalairt anois nó go deo That not now nor ever would you go with another
Ná go bhfaca mé tusa 's fear eile ag ól But now I have seen you drinking with another
I gcúl an tom dreasóg 's mug leanna ina dhorn Behind the bush and he had a pitcher of beer in his hand
Ach ligfidh muid tharainn ach ní hea sin le stuaim But let's not talk about this now
Is mian liomsa trácht ar Chití na gcuach I want to talk about Kitty of the tresses
'S í planda an dúine í tá saoithfiúil suairc She's a perfect jewel of a woman in figure and character
A shamhail ní fhaca mé theas nó ó thuaidh And neither in the north nor the south can a better be found
A bhuachaill beag beadaí is mé i ngrá le bliain Oh kind youth, I've been in love for a year
'S b'fhearr liom bean agam nach bhfaca mé ariamh I'd prefer a woman whom I've never seen before
Ach lig mé na buachaillí sa chuideachta uaim But if I left the boys and their company behind
Ná go raibh mé 'na bhaile le mo Chaitlín Triall It'd be to stay in the house with my Caitlín of the tresses
Níl aon tointe ar mo bhrollach nár leig mé le gaoith I've nothing left that the wind hasn't taken
'S ma fhágaim a' baile níl phillfidh mé choiche And if I leave the town I won't return
Tá lionn dubh ar m'aigne is caill ar mo chiall I'm depressed and I lost my reason
'S nach trom sin ar d'anam a Chaitlín Triall Doesn't that weigh on your soul, Caitlín of the tresses?