Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Julie Fowlis > Cuilidh > Mo Bheannachd Dhan Bhàillidh Ùr

Cuilidh Mo Bheannachd Dhan Bhàillidh Ùr
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Éamon Doorley, Julie Fowlis & Ross Martin
Appears On: Cuilidh
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Sèist: Chorus (after each verse):
Mo bheannachd dhan bhàillidh ùr My compliments to the new bailiff
'S tu fhèin a choisinn an cliù Who earned a reputation
Nuair a thàinig e le thrùp When he arrived with his troop
Dh'uaislean o dhùthaich MhicLeòid Of noblemen from the land of MacLeod
Thàine tu led bhàirdse cruinn You came with your barge
Ghabh thu timcheall air Port Rìgh And went 'round Portree
Thogadh do shaighdearan cìs Your soldiers would collect tax
Fhad 's a mhaireadh strì nan dòrn While the fight lasted
Is thàine tu led bhàirds' mun cuairt You came with your barge
Ghabh thu timcheall 'Chinn a Tuath And went 'round the North End
Is dh'inns thu dhaibh gun gheilt gun ghruaim Informing them without cowardice or gloom
Gur e 'n cuan a bha fo sròin That you were master of the open seas
Is ùr a' chraobh on d' rinn thu fàs You are the offshoot of a vigorous tree
Na bha fon talamh dhith 's gu h-àrd In root and branch
Gun mhosgan am bun no 'm bàrr A beautiful young fir
Ach an giuthas àlainn òg Without decay in root or foliage
Is Dòmhnallaich sibh taobh air thaobh You are MacDonald on both sides
Làmh dhearg as suaicheantas dhuibh Your crest is a red hand
Long is bradan 's leòmhann, craobh A galley, a salmon, a tree, a thistle
Gidheagan is fraoch glas òg And young, green heather