Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Sèist: |
Chorus (after each verse): |
Mo bheannachd dhan bhàillidh ùr |
My compliments to the new bailiff |
'S tu fhèin a choisinn an cliù |
Who earned a reputation |
Nuair a thàinig e le thrùp |
When he arrived with his troop |
Dh'uaislean o dhùthaich MhicLeòid |
Of noblemen from the land of MacLeod |
Thàine tu led bhàirdse cruinn |
You came with your barge |
Ghabh thu timcheall air Port Rìgh |
And went 'round Portree |
Thogadh do shaighdearan cìs |
Your soldiers would collect tax |
Fhad 's a mhaireadh strì nan dòrn |
While the fight lasted |
Is thàine tu led bhàirds' mun cuairt |
You came with your barge |
Ghabh thu timcheall 'Chinn a Tuath |
And went 'round the North End |
Is dh'inns thu dhaibh gun gheilt gun ghruaim |
Informing them without cowardice or gloom |
Gur e 'n cuan a bha fo sròin |
That you were master of the open seas |
Is ùr a' chraobh on d' rinn thu fàs |
You are the offshoot of a vigorous tree |
Na bha fon talamh dhith 's gu h-àrd |
In root and branch |
Gun mhosgan am bun no 'm bàrr |
A beautiful young fir |
Ach an giuthas àlainn òg |
Without decay in root or foliage |
Is Dòmhnallaich sibh taobh air thaobh |
You are MacDonald on both sides |
Làmh dhearg as suaicheantas dhuibh |
Your crest is a red hand |
Long is bradan 's leòmhann, craobh |
A galley, a salmon, a tree, a thistle |
Gidheagan is fraoch glas òg |
And young, green heather |