Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Bu chaomh leam bhi siubhal |
I love to be wandering |
Bhi siubhal, sa siubhal |
And wandering, and wandering |
Bu chaomh leam bhi siubhal |
I love to go wandering |
Thar mullach Rudh' Stòir |
Across the summit of Rhu Stoer |
Bu chaomh leam bhi ghluasad |
I love to be moving |
Sa dearc mu na bruachan |
And looking amongst the braes |
Far na chleachd mi bhi cluaineis |
Where I used to play |
Gun uallach no bròn |
Without care or sorrow |
'S e bhi siubhal an aonaich |
Traversing the slope |
A' sireadh nam caorach |
Searching for sheep |
An obair bu chaomh leam |
The work I loved when |
'S mi aotrom is òg |
I was light-hearted and young |
Ach 's ann tha mi nis aosmhor |
But now I am old |
'S chan urra 's chan fhaod mi |
And I cannot and must not |
Ged is tric tha mo smaointean |
Though often my thoughts |
Air aonach Rudh' Stòir |
Are on the slopes of Rhu Stoer |
Air dhomh èirigh 's a' mhadainn |
On rising in the morning |
Gun chùram, gun chabhaig |
Without care or hurry |
'S de lite 's de bhainne |
Of porridge and milk |
Gun gabhainn mo leòr |
I would take my fill |
'S le mo chù aig mo chasan |
And with my dog at my feet |
Agus m'aghaidh ri beallach |
And my face to the hill |
Chan iarrainn bhi agam |
I would ask for nothing |
Ach bat' bhi nam dhòrn |
But a crook in my hand |
Chuirinn m'uchd ris gach bruthaich |
I'd set my face to the slope |
Gu sunndach 's gu subhach |
Cheerfully and happily |
A' dol sìos gus a' Rudha |
Going down to the Rhu |
Troimh an Chlaismhor |
Through Clashmore |
Air neo suas Cnoc an Easain |
Or else up through Cnoc an Easain |
Os cinn Clais an easaidh |
Above Clashnessie |
Agus chithinn du deas dhiom |
And I'd see to the south of me |
Gu ruig a' Bheinn Mhòr |
As far as Ben Mòr |
Ach 's cianail mar thachair |
But it is sad what has happened |
Bho'n uair ud an Assainn |
Since that time in Assynt |
An sluagh dhòmh a b'aithne |
The people I knew |
Air feadh Rudh' a' Stòir |
Around Rhu Stoer |
Tha chuid mhòr dhiubh san talamh |
Most of them are under the ground |
'S am beagan tha maireann |
And the few that remain |
Tha iad crùbach, lag, lapach |
They are lame, weak, frail |
Agus bacach gun treòir |
Disabled and feeble |
Bu chaomh leam bhi siubhal |
I love to be wandering |
Bhi siubhal, sa siubhal |
And wandering, and wandering |
Bu chaomh leam bhi siubhal |
I love to go wandering |
Thar mullach Rudh' Stòir |
Across the summit of Rhu Stoer |
Bu chaomh leam bhi ghluasad |
I love to be moving |
Sa dearc mu na bruachan |
And looking amongst the braes |
Far na chleachd mi bhi cluaineis |
Where I used to play |
Gun uallach no bròn |
Without care or sorrow |