Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Kíla > Lemonade & Buns > Tine Lasta

Lemonade & Buns Tine Lasta
Credits: Rónán Ó Snodaigh & Lance Hogan
Appears On: Lemonade & Buns
Language: Gaeilge (Irish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
So lean ar aghaidh ag fás, ná teip So keep on growing, don't fail
Ná cúlaigh, cuir leis, cuir leat Don't retreat, add to it, add to yourself
Cuir do lorg ar an saol, leag do lámh air Leave your mark on life, hands on
Fág do rian, sáigh fréamh Place your print, put a root
Faoin talamh agus sú aníos do líon Under the earth and suck up your fill
Do lón, do bhéile, do bheatha, do bhéile Your lunch, your meal, your life, your meal
Do bheatha, do bhéile beannaithe Your life, your blessed meal
An méid atá ag dul duit, an méid atá uait What you desere what you need
Don saol atá i ndán duit san am atá le teacht For the life ahead of you in the time to come
Abair do phaidir agus cothaigh í Say your prayer and bring it on
Cothaigh í, cothaigh í, cothaigh í Bring it on, bring it on, bring it on
Siúl do bhóthar, scríobh do scéal Walk your road, write your story
Sín amach do chuid sciathán oscail do bhéal Spread out your wings and open your mouth
Coinnigh an tine sin lasta Keep that fire lit
Gearr an t-adhmad, bailigh an mhóin Cut the wood, collect the turf
Séid ar na luaithrigh, glan an tinteán Blow on the embers, clean the fireplace
Ná lig di dul amach arís Don't let her go out again
Ná múch í Don't put her out
Coinnigh an tine sin lasta Keep that fire lit
Gearr an t-adhmad, bailigh an mhóin Cut the wood, collect the turf
Séid ar na luaithrigh, glan an tinteán Blow on the embers, clean the fireplace
Ná lig di dul amach arís Don't let her go out again
Ná múch í, ná múch í Don't put her out, don't put her out
Coinnigh í beo, coinnigh í ag dó Keep her lit, keep her burning
Oscail cad a dhún, dúisigh ó do shuan Open what closed, awaken from your slumber
Deisigh cad a bhris, agus las cad a mhúch Fix what broke and light what went out
Ná teip, ná tit, ná sleamhnaigh Don't fail, don't fall, don't slip
Ná loit, ná cas ró-fhada ó do chásán Don't wreck, don't turn too far from your path
Ná gortaigh do chuid Don't injure your own
Is tusa atá freagrach as sláinte do choirp Your body's health is your responsibility
Ó bhun go barr, chuile maidin chuile oíche From head to toe, mornings and nights
Roghnaíonn tú cruth comhludar do chuid smaointe You choose the kind of company your thoughts keep
Litrígh do ainm agus abair é Spell your name and say it
Abair é abair é, abair é Say it, say it, say it
Abair mar a chíonn tú é abair é mar a bhraitheann tú fé Say it as you see it, say as you feel
Déan do rogha rud, déan do rogha rud Do what you want, do what you want
Ach bí cinnte gur do rogha rud é atá ar bun agat But be sure that it's what you want to do
Déan do rogha rud, déan do rogha rud Do what you want, do what you want
'S bí cinnte gur do rogha rud é atá ar bun agat And be sure that it's what you want to do
Curfá: Chorus:
Coinnigh an tine sin lasta Keep that fire lit
Gearr an t-adhmad, bailigh an mhóin Cut the wood, collect the turf
Séid ar na luaithrigh, glan an tinteán Blow on the embers, clean the fireplace
Ná lig di dul amach arís Don't let her go out again
Ná múch í Don't put her out
Coinnigh an tine sin lasta Keep that fire lit
Gearr an t-adhmad, bailigh an mhóin Cut the wood, collect the turf
Séid ar na luaithrigh, glan an tinteán Blow on the embers, clean the fireplace
Ná lig di dul amach arís Don't let her go out again
Ná múch í Don't put her out
Coinnigh an tine sin lasta Keep that fire lit
Gearr an t-adhmad, bailigh an mhóin Cut the wood, collect the turf
Séid ar na luaithrigh, glan an tinteán Blow on the embers, clean the fireplace
Ná lig di dul amach arís Don't let her go out again
Ná múch í, ná múch í Don't put her out, don't put her out
Coinnigh í beo, coinnigh í ag dó Keep her lit, keep her burning
'S beidh am don uile ní idir éirí agus luí There will be time for everything between waking and sleeping
Am don ól 's don ithe 's don obair 's don spraoi Time to drink and to eat, to work and to play
Am feásta, troscadh, ciúnas agus glór Time to feast, fast, for silence and noise
Grá agus gáire, náire 's onóir Love and laughter, shame and honor
Am le botún a dhéanamh, am go gceartófá í Time to make mistakes, time to correct them
Am le dul a' lorg, am le bheith ar leataobh Time to seek and time to be on the sideline
Am briseadh am deisiú, am fás, am feo Time to break, time to fix, time to grow, time to wither
Am bás 's athbheochan agus am le crochadh seol Time to die and enliven and time to set sail
Am fód a sheasamh agus am séirbhís Time to stand your ground and time to serve
Am cúnamh agus cosaint, am leighis, am draíocht Time to help and protect, time to heat, time for magic
Déan an obair atá ar lámh agat, dean é Do the work at hand, do it
Déan é, déan, déan anois é go dtí go bhfuil sé déanta Do it, do, do it now until it's done
Athraíonn an saol, athraíonn tú fhéin agus Life changes, you change and
Is cuma cad a cheap tú roimh-ré It doesn't matter what you thought before
Athraíonn an saol agus athraíonn tú ionat fhéin agus Life changes, you change in yourself
Is cuma cad a cheap tú roimh-ré Regardless of what you thought beforehand
(Curfá) (Chorus)