Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Sèist: |
Chorus (after each verse): |
O a ruin, gur a tu th' m'aire |
Oh love, you are on my mind |
O a ruin, gur a tu th' m'aire |
Oh love, you are on my mind |
Tu-fhein a ruin, gura tu th'air m'aire |
It is you, oh love, who is on my mind |
Gur e do shugragh tha tighinn fainear dhomh |
It is your playfulness that I think of |
Cha togar fonn leam ach trom th'air m'aineol |
A song doesn't lift me, but I am heavy of heart |
Cha dean mi òran 's an doigh bu mhath leam |
I will not make a song the way I used to |
Gur mi bha gorach, nuair thug mi gealladh |
I was foolish when I made a promise |
Dh'an nigheag oig a th'an comhnuidh 'n Canna |
To the young girl from Canna |
Gur mi bha stàiteal nuair dh'fhàg mi Ailean |
I was stately before I left Allen |
A'togail gàradh, 'sa càradh beulach |
Building walls and fixing fences |
Gum b'fheàrr bhith ann airneo 's meallt mo bharail |
I would prefer to be there than |
Na bhith 'san àm seo 'san taing nan Gallaibh |
Than to be here obliged to the Galls |
Nuair nì sinn gluasad Dìluain dh'an bhaile |
When we left Monday to go to the town |
Bha bodaich Gallt ann a gheall ar meallachd |
There were English old men there who made us promises |
Cha tuig mi nàduir le cànan Gallaich |
I didn't understand the English language |
Tha mise dall gun an càinnt am theangaidh |
I am blind without my language |
Thoir soiridh bhuamsa thar cuan dh'a m' leannan |
Send my greetings over the sea to my sweetheart |
Is innsaibh fhein dhi gu bheil mi fallain |
And tell her that I'm healthy |
Gu bheil mi'n drast ann an Cader Parish |
And I am yet in Cader parish |
'S gu deachaidh Gàidhlig an àite seallaidh |
And that Gaelic has gone from my view |
'S tu Chatriona, tha tighinn air m'aire |
And you Catriona, you are on my mind |
Gur e do stòras a rinn mo mhealladh |
It is your treasures which have enticed me |
'S tu bhith bòidheach, gun bhosd, gun bharrachd |
And you are beautiful, without boasting, without superiority |
Dh'en fhine mhòr 'o MhacLeoid na Hearradh |
From the great line of the MacLeods of Harris |