Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Mary Jane Lamond > Làn Dùil > An Nochd Is Trom Tha Mo Cheum

Làn Dùil An Nochd Is Trom Tha Mo Cheum
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Phil Strong & Mary Jane Lamond
Appears On: Làn Dùil
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Gura mis' tha fo mhulad Oh that I am sorrowful
'S mi air m'uilinn 'n Gleann Cuaicheadh Resting on my elbow in Glen Cuaicheadh
Sèist: Chorus (after each verse):
An nochd is trom tha mo cheum Tonight my step is heavy
'S snigh' air mo ghruaidh fhéin A tear drips on my cheek
An nochd is trom tha mo cheum Tonight my step is heavy
Tha 'ad 'nan sìneadh 's na càrnan They lie stretched under the cairns
'S luchd mo ghràidh a chumadh suas sinn My beloved people who kept us
Bha m'athair ann 's mo mhàthair My father and mother were there
'S Raghnall àrd a' chùil dualaich And tall Ranald of the curling tresses
'S tric a thug 'ad dhomh preasant As I stood by their shoulder
'S 'ad 'nan seasamh ri m'ghualainn They often gave me a gift
Cha n-eil fàth dhomh bhith 'gan ionndrainn There is no reason for me lament them
Chaidh an ùir air an duathar Their shades have been covered with dirt
Gur h-iomadh piuthar tha gun bhràthair Many a sister is without a brother
'S gu bheil i cràiteach air uairean And sometimes pained by sorrow
Beannachd Dhia dha 'n anam God's blessing on their souls
Rìgh nan Aingeal 'gam buaireadh The King of Angels has tempted them away
Cha n-eil mise 'ga aicheadh I am not denying that this
Siod an dulag nach gluaiseadh Is the knot that cannot be undone