Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Sèist: |
Chorus: |
Bhean an tighe, fàg an siola |
Oh woman of the house, leave the gill |
'M botul làn a tha mi sireadh |
It is the full bottle that I'm seeking |
Dh'òlainn deoch-slàinte nan gillean |
I would drink a toast to the young men |
A dh'imich Di-Luain bhuainn |
Who left us on Monday |
Chruinnich còmhlan cridheil, ùrail |
A company gathered who were merry, fresh |
Fonnmhor, farumach, glan, cùirteil |
Tuneful, loud, fine and courteous |
'S gur e dh' fhàg mi trom fo chùram |
The thing that has left me disturbed |
An luchd-ciùil bhith bhuapa |
Is the we have no musicians |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
Gu'n robh feadhainn as gach àit ann |
There were some from everywhere |
Fir á Sestico 's á Màbou |
People from Port Hood and Mabou |
Fir á Siùdaig nam beann àrda |
People from Judique, of the tall mountains |
Bhiodh làmhach 's a' chruadal |
Who would be adroit in adversity |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
Cha robh bhuainn an sin ach fìdhlear |
All we needed then was a fiddler |
Leis an gluaiseamaid 's an ruìdhle |
To whom we would move in a reel |
'S e bhith cur earbsa á trì dhiubh |
Waiting for the three we expected |
Chuir mi fhìn cho luaineach |
Made me anxious for music |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
Labhair Donnchadh le guth àrd ruinn |
Duncan called out in loud voice |
"O' n a tha luchd-ciùil anns a' Bhràighe |
"Since we have musicians in Margaree |
Falbhaidh mise leis an làir |
I will go with the mare |
'S thig Peadar Dhaibhidh nuas leam" |
And Peter David will come back with me" |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
Fhuair iad ceòl, 's cha robh e cearbach |
___ |
Ceòl as am biodh dannsair earbsach |
___ |
'S e rud bochd a bh'ann gu dearbh |
___ |
An Carghus thigh'nn cho luath oirnn |
___ |
(Sèist 3x) |
(Chorus 3x) |
Is math a dhannsadh Ùisdean Friseal |
Hugh Fraser dances well |
Is math a dhannsadh Ùisdean Friseal |
Hugh Fraser dances well |
Is math a dhannsadh Ùisdean Friseal |
Hugh Fraser dances well |
Leis an fhichead maighdinn |
With twenty maidens |
Is math a dhannsadh Ùisdean Friseal |
Hugh Fraser dances well |
Is math a dhannsadh Ùisdean Friseal |
Hugh Fraser dances well |
Is math a dhannsadh Ùisdean Friseal |
Hugh Fraser dances well |
Leis an fhichead maighdinn |
With twenty maidens |
Còignear roimhe is còignear dhéidh |
A quintet in front and a quintet behind |
Còignear roimhe is còignear dheoidh |
A quintet in front and a quintet behind |
Còignear roimhe is còignear __ |
A quintet in front and a quintet behind |
Còignear air gach taobh dheth |
A quintet on either side of him |
Còignear roimhe is còignear __ |
A quintet in front and a quintet behind |
Còignear roimhe is còignear __ |
A quintet in front and a quintet behind |
Còignear roimhe is còignear __ |
A quintet in front and a quintet behind |
Còignear air gach taobh dheth |
A quintet on either side of him |
Is math a dhannsadh Ùisdean Friseal |
Hugh Fraser dances well |
Is math a dhannsadh Ùisdean Friseal |
Hugh Fraser dances well |
Is math a dhannsadh Ùisdean Friseal |
Hugh Fraser dances well |
Leis an fhichead maighdinn |
With twenty maidens |
Is math a dhannsadh Ùisdean Friseal |
Hugh Fraser dances well |
Is math a dhannsadh Ùisdean Friseal |
Hugh Fraser dances well |
Is math a dhannsadh Ùisdean Friseal |
Hugh Fraser dances well |
Leis an fhichead maighdinn |
With twenty maidens |
Còignear roimhe is còignear __ |
A quintet in front and a quintet behind |
Còignear roimhe is còignear __ |
A quintet in front and a quintet behind |
Còignear roimhe is còignear __ |
A quintet in front and a quintet behind |
Còignear air gach taobh dheth |
A quintet on either side of him |
Còignear roimhe is còignear __ |
A quintet in front and a quintet behind |
Còignear roimhe is còignear __ |
A quintet in front and a quintet behind |
Còignear roimhe is còignear __ |
A quintet in front and a quintet behind |
Còignear air gach taobh dheth |
A quintet on either side of him |