Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Mary Jane Lamond > Stòras > Cumha Aoghnuis

Stòras Cumha Aoghnuis
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Geoff Arsenault, Chris Corrigan, Wendy MacIsaac, Ed Woodsworth, Mary Jane Lamond & Phil Strong
Appears On: Stòras
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Gur e mise tha fo mhulad I feel depressed
'S mi air tulaich na h-àirigh As I sit on the hill near the sheiling
Sèist: Chorus (after each verse):
Hò rò 's na hù ò Hò rò 's na hù ò
Falbh ho rò n-àill u Falbh ho rò n-àill u
Hò rò 's na hù ò Hò rò 's na hù ò
'S mi ri coimhead na mara I gaze at the sea
Ag cur thairis a'bhàta As it capsizes the boat
'S mi ri coimhead nan gillean I stare at the young men
Air an linnidh 'g am bàthadh Being drowned in the channel
Mo thriùir bhràithrean ann 's m'athair My three brothers are there and my father
Fear mo thighe 's e chràdh mi The head of my house is the one who grieves for me
Bàs Aonghnuis a Barraidh The death of Angus of Barra
Gur e sgar is a chràdh mi Has torn me with affliction and tormented me
Chuir 'ad léine de'n anart They enveloped you in a shirt of linen
Gun bhannan mu d'bhràghad Without bands around your neck
Ann an cistidh chaoil, chumhaing In a narrow, contracted coffin
Air a dubhadh 's a tàirneadh Dark-stained and nailed down
Och nan och mar tha mise Woe of woes, such is my plight
Bean gun mhisneach gu bràth mi I will ever remain a woman without courage
Té gun mhac, gun fhear taighe A woman without a son, without a husband
Té gun aighear, gun slàinte Without mirth, without health