Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Nuair a sheasas mi 's an dorust |
When I stand in the doorway |
Chì mi 'choille bhos mo chinn |
I see the forest above my head |
Sìnidh mo shùilean air sileadh |
My eyes begin to weep |
Tha mo mhisneachd air a claoidh |
My courage is overwhelmed |
Sèist: |
Chorus (after each verse): |
É ho rò 's 'na bheil air m'aire |
É ho rò the subject of my thoughts |
'S mór an nochd a tha mi 'caoidh |
Great tonight is my mourning |
Ill ù ill ò gur mór mo luaidh ort |
Ill ù ill ò I love you deeply |
Ged nach d'fhuair mi thu dhomh fhìn |
Although I didn't win you for myself |
'Sann agam fhìn a bha na bràithrean |
I had three brothers |
Bi mi 'ga àireamh a chaoidh |
Who I will forever recount |
'S truagh nach robh mi aig a' charraig |
It's a pity that I wasn't at the quay |
Nuair a dh'éibh iad soraidh leibh |
When they bid us farewell |
Nuair a ràna' sinn 'n "Table" |
When we arrived at the Table |
Mo chuideachd gu léir ann cruinn |
My entire family was there |
Mo phiuthar 's mo bhràthair-céile |
My sister and brother-in-law |
'S gun stiall eudaich air an druim |
Without a strip of clothing on their backs |
Seiche na bà air a cairteadh |
A scraped cow's hide |
'S air a càradh air mo dhruim |
Fixed on my back |
Mi air stàbhradh leis an acaras |
And I was starving with the hue |
Col'as a' bhàis a' tighinn air m'aghaidh |
Of death coming over my face |
Nam biodh agam cliabh 's corran |
If I had a creel and a sickle |
Feamain iseal 's m'eathar fhìn |
The low seaweed and my own boat |
Cha bhiodh mo chlann air a' bhrochan |
My children wouldn't be eating gruel |
'S an tìr mhosach 'gamo chlaoidh |
And I wouldn't be oppressed by this miserable land |