Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Gur mise tha trom, airtneulach |
I am gloomy and fatigued |
'S a' mhadainn 's mi ag éiridh |
In the morning as I rise |
Tha 'ghaoth an ear a' gobachadh |
The wind that is working around |
'S cha n-i mo thogairt fhéin i |
From the east is not my desire |
Sèist: |
Chorus: |
Fàill ill ò ro, fàill ill ò ro |
Fàill ill ò ro, fàill ill ò ro |
Fàill ill ò ro éile |
Fàill ill ò ro éile |
Hi rithill iùl agus ò |
Hi rithill iùl agus ò |
'Sna thog ì ò ro éile |
'Sna thog ì ò ro éile |
Tha 'ghaoth an ear a' gobachadh |
The wind that is working around |
'S cha n-i mo thogairt fhéin i |
From the east is not my desire |
'S i 'ghaoth an iar a b'àite leinn |
We would rather the west wind |
'S lasan oirr' ag éirigh |
Coming in gusts |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
'S i 'ghaoth an iar a b'àite leinn |
We would rather the west wind |
'S lasan oirr' ag éirigh |
Coming in gusts |
Gun tigeadh oirnn am bàta |
So that we would receive |
Dha 'm b'àbhaist a bhith treubhach |
The always intrepid galley |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
Gun tigeadh oirnn am bàta |
So that we would receive |
Dha 'm b'àbhaist a bhith trebhuch |
The always intrepid galley |
Uachdaran na tìr' oirre |
Lord of the land |
Mo dhìth ma dh'éireas beud dha |
My loss if any harm should befall him |
Uachdaran na tìr' oirre |
Lord of the land |
Mo dhìth ma dh'éireas beud dha |
My loss if any harm should befall him |
Uachdaran na dùthch' innte |
Lord of the country |
'S gu bheil mo dhùrachd fhéin leis |
My good wishes go with him |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |
Uachdaran na dùthch' innte |
Lord of the country |
'S gu bheil mo dhùrachd fhéin leis |
My good wishes go with him |
Hi rì gum b'àite leam fallain thu |
Hi rì I would prefer you healthy |
'Ad chaisteal ann an Sléibhte |
In your castle in Sleat |
(Sèist) |
(Chorus) |