Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Sèist: |
Chorus (after each verse): |
Iù ò ra hiù ò |
Iù ò ra hiù ò |
O hì o hì ò |
O hì o hì ò |
Iù ò ra hiù ò |
Iù ò ra hiù ò |
Gura mise tha fo mhulad |
I am sorrowful |
Air an tullaich ud shuas |
On yonder hillock |
Cha dìrich mi bruach |
I can't climb the embankment |
Cha siubhal mi buan |
I can't travel with vigor |
Cha dean mi ceum còmhnard |
I can't make a steady step |
A' Dhòmhnach na Luain |
On Sunday or Monday |
'S tric mo shùil air a' rubha |
I often watch the point |
Far a' bhruaich ud shuas |
From yonder hill |
Cha n-eil bàt' a thig o 'n rubha |
No boat clears the point |
Nach dubhaich ri m'ghruaidh |
That doesn't darken my countenance |
Na bàt' a thig o 'n chaolas |
No boat comes from the narrows |
Nach caochail mi snuadh |
That doesn't change my expression |
Cha chaidil mi idir |
I will remain sleepless |
Gus an tig na bheil bhuam |
Until I get that which is from me |
Cha n-eil cùmha mo leannain |
It is not lamenting my sweetheart |
A th'air m'aire an ceart uair |
That is on my mind at present |
Ach cùmha nam bràithrean |
But lamenting my brothers |
Cùl fàinneach nan dual |
Of the ringletted hair |
Turas Dhòmhnaill 's Ailein |
Donald and Allan's journey |
Chuir an tainead 'nam gruaidh |
Which has left my cheeks thin |
Tha do phreasain 'nam chiste |
Your presents are in my hope chest |
Rìgh bu mhisde mi 'ad bhuam |
Lord, I was the worst for wanting them |
Tha do bhrògan 'nam chasan |
Your shoes on my feet |
Nì nach laigh orm fuachd |
Which keeps them warm |
Tha do riobaidean sgàrlaid |
Your scarlet ribbons |
A' cuir deàrrsaidh 'nam ghruaidh |
Which make my cheeks shine |
Tha do nèapagain rìomhach |
Your lovely kerchief |
Gùn shìoda chaol buan |
And gown of fine durable silk |
'S truagh leam dìol do chuim cùmhach |
The fate of your shapely form |
Bhi fo mhighean nan stuadh |
To be joyless under the waves |
Agus dìol do chuim chlannaich |
And the fate of your curled tresses |
Bhi 's an fheamainn 'ga luadh |
To be fulled in the seaweed |