Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Mary Jane Lamond > Làn Dùil > Nach Till Thu Dhòmhnaill?

Làn Dùil Nach Till Thu Dhòmhnaill?
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Phil Strong & Mary Jane Lamond
Appears On: Làn Dùil
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Là dhomh 's mi 'siubhal a' mhonaidh One day as I rambled the moor
Sèist: Chorus (after each verse):
Ò a iù nach till thu Dhòmhnaill? Ò a iù will you not return Donald?
Ò a hì nach till thu Dhòmhnaill? Ò a hì will you not return Donald?
Ò a iù nach till thu Dhòmhnaill? Ò a iù will you not return Donald?
Có thachair rium ach Dòmhnall Whom did I happen upon but Donald
Thòisich sinn air beadradh spòrsail We began to flirt playfully
Thànaig am beadradh dhuinn gu dòruinn Our flirting came to grief
Bhagair e mo léin' a shròiceadh He threatened to tear my shift to shreds
Chuir e falt mo chinn fo bhrògan He trampled the hair of my head under his shoes
Thug e sgian bheag às a phòcaid He took a small knife from his pocket
Cha b'e siod a gheall thu Dhòmhnaill That wasn't what you promised me Donald
Ach réiteach agus banais 's pòsadh But instead a betrothal, marriage banquet and wedding
Là dhomh 's mi 'siubhal a' mhonaidh One day as I rambled the moor