Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Mary Jane Lamond > Bho Thìr Nan Craobh > Oran Gillean Alasdair Mhoir

Bho Thìr Nan Craobh Oran Gillean Alasdair Mhoir
Credits: Sarah MacArthur
Appears On: Bho Thìr Nan Craobh
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Moch 's a'mhaduinn Di-Luain Early on Monday morning
Air an turus gun buaidh On the luckless journey
Dh'fhalbh na h-àilleagain bhuam air bhòidse The precious ones sailed on a voyage
Dòmhnull donn nan sùl blàth Brown-haired Donald of the warm eyes
Agus Ruairi chùil bhàin And Roderick of the blond hair
Iad sin agus Alasdair og They and young Alasdair
Rìgh, bu bhòidheach bhur sgrìob Oh God, how beautiful their rowing stroke
An àm togail bho thìr At the time of sailing
Air an turus nach d'thill na seòid On the voyage from which the heroes did not return
Shil 'us shéid i le stoirm It was pouring and windy in the storm
Dh'fhàs an oidhche cho doirbh The night grew so wild
Bha mo chall-sa air lorg ro là My loss was known before morning
Dòmhnull donn nan rosg mall Brown-haired Donald of the calm eyes
Rìgh na cruinne, mo chall Oh King of the world, my loss
Thu bhi 'd laighe gun fonn, gun deò Lying with no life or breath
Tha sibh uile air chall You are all lost
Chaneil aon agaibh ann Not one of you remains
An àm togail nan crann 's na seòl To raise the masts and the sails
Och, och, mo sgeul cruaidh Och, och, my difficult story
'S ann a tha sibh 's a' chuan It is that you are in the sea
A Rìgh, nan tonn uaine is gorm Oh God, the sea of green and blue waves
Gu' m bu bhòidheach bhur sgriob Your rowing stroke was so beautiful
'Nuair a dh'fhalbh i bho thìr As you sailed from the land
Air an turus nach d' thill na seòid On the voyage from which the heroes did not return