Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Moch 's a'mhaduinn Di-Luain |
Early on Monday morning |
Air an turus gun buaidh |
On the luckless journey |
Dh'fhalbh na h-àilleagain bhuam air bhòidse |
The precious ones sailed on a voyage |
Dòmhnull donn nan sùl blàth |
Brown-haired Donald of the warm eyes |
Agus Ruairi chùil bhàin |
And Roderick of the blond hair |
Iad sin agus Alasdair og |
They and young Alasdair |
Rìgh, bu bhòidheach bhur sgrìob |
Oh God, how beautiful their rowing stroke |
An àm togail bho thìr |
At the time of sailing |
Air an turus nach d'thill na seòid |
On the voyage from which the heroes did not return |
Shil 'us shéid i le stoirm |
It was pouring and windy in the storm |
Dh'fhàs an oidhche cho doirbh |
The night grew so wild |
Bha mo chall-sa air lorg ro là |
My loss was known before morning |
Dòmhnull donn nan rosg mall |
Brown-haired Donald of the calm eyes |
Rìgh na cruinne, mo chall |
Oh King of the world, my loss |
Thu bhi 'd laighe gun fonn, gun deò |
Lying with no life or breath |
Tha sibh uile air chall |
You are all lost |
Chaneil aon agaibh ann |
Not one of you remains |
An àm togail nan crann 's na seòl |
To raise the masts and the sails |
Och, och, mo sgeul cruaidh |
Och, och, my difficult story |
'S ann a tha sibh 's a' chuan |
It is that you are in the sea |
A Rìgh, nan tonn uaine is gorm |
Oh God, the sea of green and blue waves |
Gu' m bu bhòidheach bhur sgriob |
Your rowing stroke was so beautiful |
'Nuair a dh'fhalbh i bho thìr |
As you sailed from the land |
Air an turus nach d' thill na seòid |
On the voyage from which the heroes did not return |