Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Sèist: |
Chorus (after each verse): |
O, tha mise fo gruaimean |
Oh I am unhappy |
'S beag ioghnadh ged a ghluaisinn duilich |
There's little wonder I go about sadly |
'S fad' tha mise o I mo chàirdean |
I am from from Iona, land of my people |
Far 'n d' rinn mi 'fàgail uile |
Where I left them all behind |
O, tha mise fo gruaimean |
Oh I am unhappy |
'S iomadh rud a tha 's an àit' seo |
There are many things in this place |
Nach robh 's an àit' a dh'fhàg sinne |
That were not in the land that we left |
Cuileagan uaine 's an là ann |
Flies that are green in the daytime |
'S air an oidhch' a fàs 'nan teine |
And at night they turn into fire |
'S ged is liath ceann an Dròbhair |
Though the Drover, who came over with us |
Thàinig nall còmhla ruinne |
Has a head that's gray with age |
Bha na suaimpeachain cho dlùth ann |
The swamps here are so thick |
'S gu'n dh'éibh e, "Tha'n dùthaich 'na teine" |
That he cried out, "The country is on fire" |
Cha chluinn sibh cuthag no gug-gùg ann |
You won't hear the cuckoo or his call here |
Maduinn chiùin air bràigh glinne |
On a calm morning on the hillside |
Ach drumaireachd na coilich-ruadha |
Only the drumming of the red grouse cock |
'S siud a' fuaim tha fuathach dhuinne |
And that's an unpleasant sound to us |