Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Seinn an duan seo dhan Innis Àigh |
Sing this song to the Happy Isle |
An innis uaine as gile tràigh |
The green isle of whitest sands |
Bidh sian air uairean a' bagairt cruaidh ris |
Though storms at times threaten severely |
Ach se mo luaidh-sa bhith ann a' tàmh |
It is where I love to be |
Càit' as tràith an tig samhradh caomh |
Where does summer come earlier? |
Càit' as tràith an tig blàth air craobh |
Where do trees come into bloom sooner? |
Càit' as bòidhche 's an seinn an smeòrach |
Where does the thrush sing more sweetly |
Air bhàrr nan ògan 's an Innis Àigh |
On the tips of branches, than in the Happy Isle? |
An t-iasg as fiachaile dlùth don tràigh |
The most prized fish closest to land |
Is ann ma chrìochan is miann leis tàmh |
Wishes to live about its shores |
Bidh gillean easgaidh le dorgh is lìontan |
Lively youths hunt it early in the morning |
Moch, moch ga iarriadh mun Innis Àigh |
With line and net, around the Happy Isle |
'S ged thèid mi cuairt chun an taoibh ud thall |
And although I sometimes go to the mainland |
'S mi 'n dùil air uairibh gu fan mi ann |
And at times even think that I could stay there |
Tha tàladh uaigneach le teas nach fuairich |
A sad longing whose heat never cools |
Gam tharraing buan don Innis Àigh |
Always draws me back to the Happy Isle |
O 's geàrr an ùine gu'n teirig latha |
It is only a short time until the close of day |
Thig an oidhche 's gun iarr mi tàmh |
Night will come and I will want for rest |
Mo chadal buan-sa bidh e cho suaimhneach |
My eternal sleep will be so peaceful |
Mo bhios mo chluasag 's an Innis Àigh |
If I lay my head in the Happy Isle |