Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Tha mo spiorad cianail |
My spirit is mournful |
Gach latha tha 's a'bhliadhna |
Each day of the year |
'S e dh'hàg mi òg ri liathadh |
My hair has grayed early |
Nach fhaod mi triall do chladaichean |
Since I cannot travel your shores |
Cha chluinn mi sàl ri m' chliadhaich |
I do not hear the sea at my side |
A tràthadh no ri lìonadh |
Ebbing and flowing |
'S na bàtaichean ri iasgach |
Nor the fishing boats |
Gu rianail mu do chamusan |
Dotted around your bays |
Chan fhaic mi stamh neo maorach |
I do not see seaweed, shellfish |
No'n duilisg milis craobhach |
Or the sweet branching dulse |
Ged 's tric a bha mi crùbach |
Though often I bent down |
Gam buain bheir taobh nan carachan |
To collect them from the rocks |
'S an fheasgar ceòthar bàghach |
And on a misty morning |
Nì an t-eadhar seòladh sàmhach |
In a bay the boat sails quietly |
Cha chluinn mi fuaim nan ràmh aic' |
I will not hear the sound of their oars |
Neo fuaim an t-sàl mu'n toiseachs' aic' |
Nor the sound of the sea before them |
Cha chluinn mi diog nan clèibh aic' |
I will not hear the creaking of their creels |
Nuair bhios iad a'toirt an èisg asd |
When they take the fish from them |
'S na balaich bheag' ag èigheach |
And the little boys shouting |
A'ruith 's a'leum 's iad cas-ruisgte |
Running and jumping barefoot |
Tha mo spiorad cianail |
My spirit is mournful |
Gach latha tha 's a'bhliadhna |
Each day of the year |
'S e dh'hàg mi òg ri liathadh |
My hair has grayed early |
Nach fhaod mi triall do chladaichean |
Since I cannot travel your shores |