Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Tha bocaidh beag de dh'each agam |
I have a little rocking horse |
Bocaidh beag is e a fiodh |
A rocking horse made from brown wood |
Lair bheag dhonn le blaran breac |
A brown little pony |
'S na nadur mar an t-or |
He is as good as gold |
Sčist: |
Chorus (after each verse): |
Hai, ho derrin o, 's mise buachaille nam bo |
Hai, ho derrin o, I'm the cattle-herder |
Hai, ho derrin o, buachaille nam bo |
Hai, ho derrin o, cattle-herder |
Hai, ho derrin o, 's mise buachaille nam bo |
Hai, ho derrin o, I'm the cattle-herder |
Hai, ho derrin o, buachaille nam bo |
Hai, ho derrin o, cattle-herder |
Bha mi'n de 's a Ludag shuas |
I was up at Ludag yesterday |
'S bidh mi'n diugh'sa Cheann a Tuath |
Today I'll travel to North Uist |
'S ma bhitheas aiseag that a chuain |
If there's a sailing |
Theid sinn null a Leodhas |
We'll take a trip to Lewis |
Tha'm bocaidh beag seo mar a ghaoth |
This little rocking horse goes like the wind |
Le sitir bheag aic's mise a' glaoich |
with a little neigh as I cry out |
Siubhlaidh sinn gach cearn 's an t-saoghal |
We shall travel different parts of the world |
A' cleasachd is a spors' |
Having fun and games |
Bidh sinn buachailleachd nam bo |
We will tend to the cattle |
Air na prairies 's iad cho mor |
Out on the big prairies |
A' cruinneachadh nan gamhna coir |
Gathering the kind calves |
'S a sradail an lasso |
Throwing the lasso |
Chan fhas am ponaidh beag seo sgith |
This little pony will never tire |
Cha toir fairis ach mi fhin |
But I'm exhausted |
Tha mise falbh a ghabhail mo thi |
I'm going home for my tea |
Is acras orm tha mor |
As I'm ravenous |