Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Mairi MacInnes > Tickettyboo > An t-Each Bocaidh

Tickettyboo An t-Each Bocaidh
Credits: Chris Dillon
Appears On: Tickettyboo
Language: Gŕidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Tha bocaidh beag de dh'each agam I have a little rocking horse
Bocaidh beag is e a fiodh A rocking horse made from brown wood
Lair bheag dhonn le blaran breac A brown little pony
'S na nadur mar an t-or He is as good as gold
Sčist: Chorus (after each verse):
Hai, ho derrin o, 's mise buachaille nam bo Hai, ho derrin o, I'm the cattle-herder
Hai, ho derrin o, buachaille nam bo Hai, ho derrin o, cattle-herder
Hai, ho derrin o, 's mise buachaille nam bo Hai, ho derrin o, I'm the cattle-herder
Hai, ho derrin o, buachaille nam bo Hai, ho derrin o, cattle-herder
Bha mi'n de 's a Ludag shuas I was up at Ludag yesterday
'S bidh mi'n diugh'sa Cheann a Tuath Today I'll travel to North Uist
'S ma bhitheas aiseag that a chuain If there's a sailing
Theid sinn null a Leodhas We'll take a trip to Lewis
Tha'm bocaidh beag seo mar a ghaoth This little rocking horse goes like the wind
Le sitir bheag aic's mise a' glaoich with a little neigh as I cry out
Siubhlaidh sinn gach cearn 's an t-saoghal We shall travel different parts of the world
A' cleasachd is a spors' Having fun and games
Bidh sinn buachailleachd nam bo We will tend to the cattle
Air na prairies 's iad cho mor Out on the big prairies
A' cruinneachadh nan gamhna coir Gathering the kind calves
'S a sradail an lasso Throwing the lasso
Chan fhas am ponaidh beag seo sgith This little pony will never tire
Cha toir fairis ach mi fhin But I'm exhausted
Tha mise falbh a ghabhail mo thi I'm going home for my tea
Is acras orm tha mor As I'm ravenous