Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Mairi MacInnes > Orosay > Oran Uibhist

Orosay Oran Uibhist
Credits: Donald Allan MacDonald
Appears On: Orosay
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
O's gur tursach, tursach mi Oh I would be very sad indeed
Nam bitheadh mo dhuil ri triall If I expected to go away from you
A Uidhist nam beann arda Uist of the high hills
'Sann thugad tha mo mhiann Because I love you
Gur og a fhuair mi m'arach ann I was reared there as a very young infant
Nam phaisde beag gun chiall Before reaching the use of reason
Is boidheach leam do thraghannan I delight in your beaches
Is gair a' Chuain an Iar And the roar of the Atlantic
'S nuair theid mi chun a' mhachaire And when I go to the machair
Air feasgar samhraidh ciuin On a calm summer's evening
'Sna neoineanan cho cubhraidh With flowers so fragrant
'San suilean duint' fon driuchd Closed under the dew
Nuair a sheallain ri Loch Hallain When I look at Loch Hallan
'Sna bric ri traigh a' leum With trout rising close to the shore
Bu phaillt an eala bhan ann The white swan was plentiful there
'S na h-eoin a' snamh na deidh With its brood swimming close behind
'S nuair dhireas mi Cnoc Hallain And when I go up to Hallan Hill
'S a sheallas mi mun cuairt And look around me
Mo chompanaich 's mo chairdean I think of friends and relations
S cuid dhuibh a' cnamh san uaigh Some of whom are decaying in the grave
Nuair shuidhinn air a gharradh When I would sit on the wall
'S mi coimhead far na bruaich And gaze from the bank
Mi smaointean air an t-saoghal My thoughts would be on the world
'Sna daoine gan toirt bhuainn And how people are being taken away from us
'S their mise 'n clui do Dhalabrog And I will give the highest praise to Daliburgh
'Sna bheil ann sean is og And to all who live there, young and old
Ged's iomadh ait' dhen t-saoghal Although there are many places in the world
Sam faodainn-sa bhith beo Where I could live
Gur ann bu tric a bhuach'llich mi There I often herded cattle
An spreidh ri bruaich nan lon On the banks of the pools
S na laoigh bheag' air theadhraichean While the little calves were tethered
A'leum air cheann nan rop Leaping about at the ends of the ropes
Ach sgiuridh mi dhen oran seo But I will end this song
'S dhem ghoraiche gun bhuaidh And my vain chatter
Thaobh's gu bheil an oig agam Since I am still young
Cha choir dhomh bhith fo ghruam I ought not to be depressed
'S ged gheibhinn aois a liathadh mi And even if I live to such an age that I become gray-headed
'S a bheireadh dhiom a ghruag Or even lose my hair
Cha leig mi chaoidh a dhoichuimhn' I shall never allow myself to forget
Uidhist ghrianach nan gleann uain' Sunny Uist of the green glens