Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Hiłraibh o 's na hņro čile |
Hiłraibh o 's na hņro čile |
Faill il o hill u ill o |
Faill il o hill u ill o |
Dh'čirich mi moch madainn Chčitein |
I arose early one May morning |
Sčist: |
Chorus (after each verse): |
Faill il o hill u ill o |
Faill il o hill u ill o |
Hiłraibh o 's na hņro čile |
Hiłraibh o 's na hņro čile |
Faill il o hill u ill o |
Faill il o hill u ill o |
Chuala mise sgeul bha čibhinn |
I heard news which gladdened me |
Gun robh gaisgich dheas air čirigh |
That the able heroes had risen |
A chur beatha 'n cainnt na Fčinne |
To put spirit in the language of the Feinne |
Chaidh iad cruinn a ceann a chčile |
They had gathered together |
Thuirt iad gu robh chąnan feumail |
Declaring the language of use |
Anns an sgoil cho math ri Beurla |
In the schools as well as English |
Siud an duine a rinn feum dhuinn |
Now there was a man |
Siud an duine a rinn feum dhuinn |
Now there was a man |
Friseal Mac an Tņisich gleusta |
Wise Fraser MacIntosh |
Togaibh luinneag agus sčist dha |
Sing songs and tunes for him |
Ąrdaichear e gus na speuran |
Let him be praised to the heavens |
Leis na Gąidheil 's gach ąite 'n tčid e |
By the Gaels wherever he goes |
Hiłraibh o 's na hņro čile |
Hiłraibh o 's na hņro čile |
Faill il o hill u ill o |
Faill il o hill u ill o |