Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Bliadhn' mun àm sa dh'fhalbh |
A year ago my heart's love left me |
Fada bhuam rùn mo chrìdh' |
For faraway places |
Gus an cuairtich e an saoghal |
He'll never return |
Cha bhi dùil ris air ais anns an tìr |
Until he sees the wide world around |
Nuair a chì mis' e rithist |
When I'll see my love coming |
Nach mi nì an ogag 's an gaol |
I'll give him all my love |
Le pòg na blas mil |
And smother him with honey kisses |
O Jimmy mo mhìle stòr |
Jimmy mo mhíle stór |
Bidh mo mhàthair 's m' athair |
My father and mother |
A' gearain 's a' trod rium a' strì |
They never can give me ease |
Tha mi sgìth 's mi claoidhte |
I'm tired and fed up |
'S mi searbh 's mo bheatha gun sìth |
And tormented with this life |
Thug mi gaol dhan fhear fhlathail |
I gave my love to the fairest |
Gun iarraidh thug mise dha pòg |
Without asking I kissed him |
'S chaidh esan a sheòladh |
And he went off to sea |
O Jimmy mo mhìle stòr |
Jimmy mo mhíle stór |
Thig mise dhan choille |
I'll go to the woods |
'S caithidh mi ann cuid mhath dhem shaogh'l |
And spend there all of my time |
Gun ghuth ann ri chluinntinn |
With no one around |
Ach ceòl binn bho cheileireadh eòin |
Listening to birdsong |
Aig cas nan craobh chaorainn |
Beaneath the rowan tree |
Far 'eil fhùraichean fàs ann gu leòr |
With flowers aplenty there |
Thug mi ghaol dhan fhear fhlathail |
Giving love to the most heavenly |
O Jimmy mo mhìle stòr |
To Jimmy mo mhíle stór |
(2x) |
(2x) |