Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Kathleen MacInnes > Òg-Mhadainn Shamhraidh > Òran Dhòmhnaill Phàdraig Iagain

Òg-Mhadainn Shamhraidh Òran Dhòmhnaill Phàdraig Iagain
Credits: Michael MacPherson
Appears On: Òg-Mhadainn Shamhraidh
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
'S bochd an naidheachd a fhuair sinn Dreadful news has moved me
'S a ghluais mi gu dàn To compose a song
Dòmhnall Phàdraig, mo thruaighe Sadly, Donald Peter
Thugadh bhuainn e le bàs Has been taken from us by death
Cò aige bha dùil ris Who would expect this
'S tu cho sùnndach 's cho slàn With a man so content and healthy
Cha robh sinn a' smaointinn We did not think
Gum biodh do shaoghal cho geàrr Your life would be cut so short
Dh'fhàg thu bean agus pàistean You left a wife and children
'S iad a' rànaich 's a' caoidh Crying and grieving
'S goirt a' bhuill' ann an fhuair iad They received a painful blow
'S a ghuail ann an cridh Which seared their mind
Cha tog fidheall no òran No fiddle or song can lift
Am bròn rinn an clì The sadness which weakened them
'S ged a bhiodh iad measg òigridh Being amongst other young folk
Bidh gach sòlas gan dìth Will not comfort them
Chì sinn tràghadh is lìonadh We will see full tide and low tide
Chì sinn ealtainn is sprèidh Flight of birds and cattle
Chì sinn gealach is grian We will see the moon, the sun
'S reultan a' lìonadh nan speur And stars filling the sky
Ach chan fhaic sinn gu sìorraidh But we will never again see you
Coiseachd feur ann thu fhèin Walking amongst us
Ach guidheam fois leat, a Chrìosdaidh I wish you peace, a Chrìosdaidh
'S beannachd Dhia ann leat fhèin And may the blessing of God attend you
'S math tha fios aig gach nàbaidh All neighbors know
Gu bheil sàr-dhuin' gan dìth That a good man has been lost
'S tu bha riatanach san àite You were of great use in the community
'S a b' fheàirrd' sinn bhith leinn We benefited from having you
Ach dhe sin, cha sheall bàs dha But death does not consider this
Coingeis dhàsan cò thu Nor care who you are
Bho leanabh bheag tha air mhàgail From a crawling baby
Gu ruig àrd-rìgh air crùn To the highest of kings on a throne
O, gur duilich, gur duilich Oh it is sad, sad
Gur duilich seo leinn Sad for us
Andiugh bhith gad chàradh To be laying you to rest today
An t-Hàllan san ùir In the soil of Hallan
Sinn a' faicinn do phàistean To witness your children
'S bean do ghràidh 's iad ri caoidh And your beloved wife grieving
'S bidh thu 'n cuimhne gu bràth dhaibh You will be in their memory
'S an cridhe làn dhut de ghaol And their hearts forever
'S bha thu 'd dhuine bha fialaidh You were a man who was hospitable
Is rianail ri càch And good-tempered to others
Chan fhaca sinn riamh thu We never saw you
Gun fhiamh ort le gàir' Without a smile
Bha thu carthanntach fuasgailt' You were open, kind and friendly
Measg an t-sluaigh anns gach àit' Amongst people everywhere
Gus an tàinig an fhuar-bhuill' Until the time of the cruel blow
Thug bhuainn thu le bàs Which took you away
'S nam bitheadh tu aost' If you had been old
Cha bhiodh a' ghaoir seo cho geàrrt' This pain would not feel so sharp
Ach am meadhan do shòlais But in your prime
'S tu led òigridh a' fàs With your children growing up with you
Ruith an snaoim a bha cruaidh ann The strong knot loosened
'S dh'fhalbh na duail às an tàth The strands came apart
Anns an t-sàcramaid uasal From the highest sacrament
Nach gabh fuasgladh gun bhàs Which can only be broken by death
'S gura tìm dhomh co-dhùnadh It's time to conclude
'S a bhith dùnadh an dàin And end this song
Bhon tha t' uaighsa nist dùinte Your grave is now closed
'S nach eil dùil riut gu bràth And we expect you no more
Gu faic sinn do ghnùis-sa We will not see you again
Ann an dùthaich do ghràidh In your beloved homeland
Ach bidh sinn uile gad ionndrainn We will all miss you
Leis a' chiùird bha thu 'n sàs And the trade you practiced