Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Eilidh Mackenzie > Eideadh Na Sgeulachd > Latha Chuil-Lodair

Eideadh Na Sgeulachd Latha Chuil-Lodair
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Eilidh Mackenzie
Appears On: Eideadh Na Sgeulachd
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
O gur mis' th'air mo chradh Oh I am sorely wounded
Thuit mo chridhe gu lar My heart has sunk to the ground
'S tric snighe gu'm shail o'm leirsinn And readily do my tears stream downward
Dh'fhalbh mo chlaisinneachd bhuam My hearing has left me
Cha chluinn mi 'san uair At this time I hear nothing
Gu mall na gu luath ni's eibhinn Slow or swift, that is joyous
Mu Phrionns' Tearlach mu ruin Of beloved Prince Charlie
Oighre dhligheach a' chruin The rightful heir to the crown
'S e gun fhios gu de'n taobh an teid e He knows not which way to turn
Fuil Rioghail nam buadh The virtuous royal blood
Bhith 'ga diobairt 'san uair Being forsaken at this hour
'S mac diolain le sluagh ag eirigh And a bastard son taking over by force
Siol nan cuilein a bha He was of a race of curs
Gu ro-mhath chinnich an t-al Well has the litter come
Chuir iad sinn ann an cas na h-eiginn They've put us with our backs to the wall
Ged a bhuainnich sibh blar Although you won a battle
Cha b'ann de'r cruadal a bha It was not by your hardihood
Ach gun ar sluagh-ne bhith'n dail a cheile But that our host wasn't mustered together