Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Fàilte gu fearann air balaich an iasgaich |
Welcome ashore the lads of the fishing |
'G iomradh 's a tarraing 's a gearradh a'bhiathaidh |
Rowing and pulling and cutting the bait |
Coma leam leabaidh no cadal no biadh |
I don't care for bed, sleep or food |
Gu faigh mi mo lìon an òrdugh |
Until I get my nets in order |
Siud agaibh na balaich a sheasadh an cruadal |
Those were the lads who would stand upright |
Sìnt' air a bhallaist gun phealaig mun uachdar |
Stretched on the ballast without a rug over them |
Còignear no seisear 's an lethcheann air cluasaig |
Five or six and their cheek on a pillow |
Ulpagan cruaidhe Cheòsain |
Of hard lumps of Ceosan |
Bàtaichean Gallach a gearradh an t-sìobain |
Caithness boats cutting the spray |
Beatadh gu cala an agaidh sruthlìonaidh |
Tacking to port against a flow tide |
Bàtaichean biorach aig Nisich is Siaraich |
Sharp-bowed boats manned by Nessmen and Westsiders |
Fada mun iar air Rònaidh |
Far west of Rona |
B'fheàrr leam an leabaidh na gàbhadh nan tonn |
I would prefer bed than the danger of the waves |
Is plaide mo mhàthar 's mo làmh fo mo cheann |
And my mother's blanket and my hand under my head |
B'fheàrr na bhith lathadh fo fhasgadh nan crann |
I'd prefer that than being benumbed under the shelter of the masts |
'G èisteachd ri srann nan ròpan |
Listening to the hum of the ropes |
Fàilte gu fearann air balaich an iasgaich |
Welcome ashore the lads of the fishing |
'G iomradh 's a tarraing 's a gearradh a'bhiathaidh |
Rowing and pulling and cutting the bait |
Coma leam leabaidh no cadal no biadh |
I don't care for bed, sleep or food |
Gu faigh mi mo lìon an òrdugh |
Until I get my nets in order |