Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Thoir mo shoraidh dhan taobh tuath |
Bear my greetings to the north |
Eilean Sgithanach nam buadh |
Isle of Skye of the virtues |
'N t-Eilean sin dan tug mi luaidh |
That island which I loved |
Ait' is bòidhche fo na neòil |
The most beautiful place under the clouds |
Thoir mo shoraidh dhan taobh tuath |
Bear my greetings to the north |
Ann an toiseach a'mhìos Mhàirt |
In the beginning of the month of May |
Dh'fhàg mi eilean gorm mo ghràidh |
I left my beloved green island |
Sneachd na thorran air an làr |
Snow in heaps on the ground |
Dh'fhàg siud mo mhàthair fo leòn |
That left my mother sad |
Thoir mo shoraidh dhan taobh tuath |
Bear my greetings to the north |
Anns a'mhadainn mhoch Diluain |
Early on Monday morning |
Bha sinn ciadan mil' bho Chluaidh |
She was hundreds of miles away from the Clyde |
Fhuair na balaich na bha uath' |
The boys got what they wanted |
Farsaingeachd a'chuain fo sròin |
The expanse of the seas under her prow |
Thoir mo shoraidh dhan taobh tuath |
Bear my greetings to the north |
B'fheàrr leam fhìn na mìle crùn |
I would rather than a thousand crowns |
Mi bhith nochd air tìr san Dùn |
To be ashore in the Fort tonight |
'S mi gun coisicheadh le sùnnd |
I would joyfully walk |
Rathad ùr aig clann MhicLeòid |
The Clan Macleods' new road |
Thoir mo shoraidh dhan taobh tuath |
Bear my greetings to the north |
Eilean Sgithanach nam buadh |
Isle of Skye of the virtues |
'N t-Eilean sin dan tug mi luaidh |
That island which I loved |
Ait' is bòidhche fo na neòil |
The most beautiful place under the clouds |
Thoir mo shoraidh dhan taobh tuath |
Bear my greetings to the north |