Lyrics: |
English Translation: |
Gur moch rinn mi dùsgadh san ùr mhadainn Chèit |
Early did I arise on the fresh May morning |
'S a dhìrich mi'm bruthach gun duin' ach mi-fhèin |
And I ascended the hill all alone |
Tha 'ghrian air a turas a'siubhal tron speur |
The sun is on its course across the sky |
Dealt na h-oidhche a'tùirlinn thar ùr dhos nan geug |
The dew of night falling on the young shoots of the branches |
A'dìrich an aonaich ri aodann a'chùirn |
Ascending the hill beside the face of the cairn |
'S binn torman a'chaochain as aoidheile bùrn |
Sweet is the murmur of the brook of purest water |
Le ròis air gach taobh dheth ag aomadh fon drùchd |
With roses on either side of it bending under the dew |
'S e ri deàrrsadh na grèine ag èirigh na smùid |
In the gleam of the sun rising as a vapor |
'S binn na h-èoin feadh nam preasan gu leadarra seinn |
Melodious are the birds throughout the bushes singing harmoniously |
Tha'n uiseag làn sòlais ri cèol os mo chionn |
The lark is full of solace singing above me |
Na ba-laoigh anns a'gheumnaich air an rèidhlean ud thall |
Cows with calves lowing on yonder plain |
'S mac-talla nan creagan gam freagairt air ball |
And the echo of the rocks answering them immediately |
Ach 's tìm dhomh bhith 'g èirigh 's bhith tèarnadh on àird |
But it is time for me to arise and descend from the heights |
Cha dèan luinneagan feum dhomh, cha dèan èigheach dhomh stà |
Songs will not help me, shouting will be worthless |
Feuch am bata fo còmhdach aig còmhnard na tràgh'd |
See the ship under sail at the flat part of the beach |
Tha gam ghiùlan null thairis a gleannan an àigh |
Which is to carry me yonder from the happy, small glen |